Our gift to you this season is wrapping up our favorite content about our database tools into a collection, with a song to go with each! Each week in December, we added on to our version of the “The 12 Days of … Projects.”  Watch the entire video below.

Watch the entire 4 minute video!

A special thanks to the Quest Development Team in Austin, Texas, for letting our favorite mascot, The Toad, interrupt their meeting and agreeing to sing (impromptu!) the last verse in the 12 Days of Projects. Pictured from left to right are: Tommy Montgomery, David Gayler, Patrick O’Keeffe, Selina Martinez, and Ryan Murphy. 

Throughout the month of December we published 12 blogs, and each day added a new verse to each post. We’ve gathered them all into one post below so you can easily refer to them in the future. Read (and maybe even sing along with) the lyrics below. 


The 12 Days of … Projects

Blue background with snow. "On the first day of projects my manager gave to me."

On the 1st day of projects

My manager gave to me

A simple-to-use data modeling tool

Blog: 5 essential Toad® Data Modeler videos

Brown, yellow and orange background. Blue background with snow. "On the second day of projects my head honcho gave to me."

On the 2nd day of projects

My head honcho gave to me

faster business insights

And a simple-to-use data modeling tool

Blog: 12 Days of Toad® Data Point


Golden background with snowflakes. On the 3rd day of projects  my big cheese gave to me.

On the 3rd day of projects

My big cheese gave to me

An OpenSource D-B M tool(we know … there’s too many words, but thought it would be fun for just this verse to fit them in!)

faster business insights

And a simple-to-use data modeling tool

Blog: 5 blogs that teach you to effectively work in Toad Edge®


Red and yellow background. "On the 4th day of projects  my top dog gave to me."

On the 4th day of projects

My top dog gave to me

Quicker app release times

An OpenSource D-B- tool(still too many words … but, come on, take the challenge to sing them anyway)

faster business insights

And a simple-to-use data modeling tool

Blog: What is DevOps? 3 blogs for a jump start on our toolkit


Blue and purple background, snow. "On the 5th day of projects  my best-boss gave to me."

On the 5th day of projects

My best-boss gave to me

Toad for Oracle  

Quicker app release times

An O-S-D-B tool  (much easier … yes?)

faster business insights

And a simple-to-use data modeling tool

Blog: 5 types of posts in the Toad for Oracle® forum


Blue background, muted lights. "On the 6th day of projects  my advisor gave to me."

On the 6th day of projects

My advisor gave to me

Sensitive Data Protection

Quicker app release times

An O-S-D-B tool

faster business insights

And a simple-to-use data modeling tool

Blog: 5 blogs on sensitive data protection. Start today.


Blue background with snowflake. "On the 7th day of projects  my leader gave to me."

On the 7th day of projects

My leader gave to me

Workload capture and replay

Sensitive Data Protection

Quicker app release times

An O-S-D-B tool

faster business insights

And a simple-to-use data modeling tool

Blog: 7 Benchmark Factory® tools to speed your DB dev process


Brown, gold and orange background. "On the 8th day of projects my advocate gave to me."

On the 8th day of projects

My advocate gave to me

Advanced D-B-2-Tools

Workload capture and replay

Sensitive Data Protection

Quicker app release times

An O-S-D-B tool

faster business insights

And a simple-to-use data modeling tool

Blog: 3 favorite DB2 blogs: Find, detect and compare [How to]


Golden background with snow. "On the 9th day of projects my role model gave to me."

On the 9th day of projects

My role model gave to me

Better SQL statements

Advanced D-B-2-Tools

Workload capture and replay

Sensitive Data Protection

Quicker app release times

An O-S-D-B tool

faster business insights

And a simple-to-use data modeling tool

Blog: 9 blogs to help solve your most challenging SQL tuning

Red, yellow and orange background. "On the 10th day of projects  My team captain gave to me."

On the 10th day of projects

My team captain gave to me

data collaboration

Better SQL statements

Advanced D-B-2-Tools

Workload capture and replay

Sensitive Data Protection

Quicker app release times

An O-S-D-B tool

faster business insights

And a simple-to-use data modeling tool

Blog: Toad® Intelligence Central + 3 blogs = Data collaboration

Blue, snowy background. "On the 11th day of projects my work coach gave to me."

On the 11th day of projects

My work coach gave to me

S-A-P management 

data collaboration

Better SQL statements

Advanced D-B-2-Tools

Workload capture and replay

Sensitive Data Protection

Quicker app release times

An O-S-D-B tool

faster business insights

And a simple-to-use data modeling tool

Blog: 2 Toad for SAP Solutions videos on database and data

Blue background with picture of 5 people. "On the 12th day of projects my mentor gave to me."

On the 12th day of projects

My mentor gave to me

30 SQL Servertools

S-A-P management

data collaboration

Better SQL statements

Advanced D-B-2-Tools

Workload capture and replay

Sensitive Data Protection

Quicker app release times

An O-S-D-B tool

faster business insights

And a simple-to-use data modeling tool

Blog: An introduction to 8 ApexSQL tools

The Quest® Toad World® team had a lot of fun with this blog series, we hope you did too. Our aim is that you always find our blogs helpful. We wish you a happy New Year!