Better SQL statements. Verse 9 in the 12 Days of …

Our gift to you this season is wrapping up our favorite blogs about a product into a collection, with a song to go with each! Each week in December, stay tuned as we add on to the song and post new verses in our version of "The 12 Days of … Projects."  Watch the video below.


Watch the video!

The 9th verse of "The 12 Days of Projects" is about Toad® products that optimize SQL.

With each new post, hear one more verse of our version of "The 12 Days of … Projects."  At the end of the month, we'll post the entire song with a summary and links to our favorite posts. Can you guess which Toad product will be next?

Keep reading! The following blogs are my favorite collection of blogs that will help you solve your most difficult SQL tuning issues. 


9 blogs to help solve tune your most challenging SQL statements

As Developers, we know it is important to make our applications as fast as possible. Accomplishing this can certainly be a challenge for obvious reasons and there are not any shortcuts …

… or, are there?


The Quest Software® Toad Xpert, features a SQL Optimization component that is unique in the industry and will empower you to optimize your SQL whether it be via rewrite, adding Indexes or even Plan Control—doing all the heavy lifting for you.

I’ve assembled a collection of my favorite blogs showing you how you can address this challenge head on using the Quest Software Toad Xpert Edition – making your applications as fast as possible and in less time; saving you time for your other responsibilities.


How do we actually use Toad SQL Optimization?

Quick and Easy SQL Optimization with Toad for Oracle


So what’s going on behind the scenes? How does Quest’s SQL Optimization actually work?

Understand the optimization process used in Quest SQL Optimizer


Besides rewriting a SQL statement or adding an index, you can also tune by Plan Control – meaning you don’t have to even touch the SQL statement!

Optimize SQL (Plan Control)


Ok, so you can tune SQL that you know is an issue but, can we be proactive and find potential SQL tuning opportunities before they become an issue? Sure you can …

SQL in COBOL? Find and tune your SQL wherever it is.


You can even pinpoint the bottlenecks in your PL/SQL:

Detect performance issues using PL/SQL Profiler


But, can I optimize SQL in SQL Server too? Of course you can—it’s not just for Oracle.

Optimizing SQL Server code in Toad for SQL Server


With the growing importance of Continuous Integration and Delivery (CI/CD), Toad plays an integral role here too. Check out this informative video by Toad’s Product Manager that not only explains how to use this powerful feature but also how it specifically fits into your agile development methodology.

Optimize SQL and PL/SQL using Optimize Current SQL


And most recently, we had an Ask Toad webcast session on how to simplify and automate SQL optimization: 

How can you simplify and automate SQL optimization for developers in Toad® for Oracle?—Ask Toad


So we know how to tune SQL using Toad in concept but does it really work?! We have helped many customers across various verticals – here is just one example.

SQL Optimizer for Oracle – a success story


I hope you found these blogs helpful and they have sufficiently armed you to take on your most challenging SQL tuning challenges! 


About the Author

Jeff Surretsky

Jeffrey Surretsky has been working at Quest since 2000 as a Sales Engineer focusing on a wide variety of solutions including Foglight, SharePlex and the TOAD Family of Products. Before working at Quest, he was a DBA for various organizations spanning a diverse range of industries including but not limited to Insurance and Telephony . With almost 35 years of experience in the Information Technology industry, Jeffrey has a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science and a Masters Degree in Management of Information Systems.