Advanced DB2 tools. Verse 8 in the 12 Days of …

Our gift to you this season is wrapping up our favorite blogs about a product into a collection, with a song to go with each! Each week in December, stay tuned as we add on to the song and post new verses in our version of "The 12 Days of … Projects."  Watch the video below.


Watch the video!

The 8th verse of “The 12 Days of Projects” is about Toad® for IBM DB2 Tools.

With each new post, hear one more verse of our version of "The 12 Days of … Projects."  At the end of the month, we'll post the entire song with a summary and links to our favorite posts. Can you guess which Toad product will be next?

Keep reading! The following blogs are my favorite collection of Toad for IBM DB2 Tools. 


The number three for 3 favorite DB2 blogs.

3 favorite DB2 blogs: Find, detect and compare [How to]

The holiday season is here, perhaps for you a time for reflection. Maybe you reflect on ways you could have made your life easier, your work more efficient, or your customers happier in 2019. Please join me in revisiting, and reflecting on, three DB2-related Toad World blog posts, and consider how they might help you in 2020.


Why are these blogs important?

I’ve reviewed DB2-related blog posts on Toad World, and I’m sharing these tutorials with you in this post because I believe they will help you get even more value from your Quest tools.


Can you find useless DB2 indexes quickly? Yes.

Are you a DBA tasked with creating DB2 indexes?  Once created, wouldn’t it be great to have a tool that can, at-a-glance, tell you if any indexes are really unnecessary (they are never used)? Learn how in this tutorial blog. 

Track Down Useless Indexes Effortlessly with Toad for DB2 LUW


Do you know how to detect DB2 LUW performance challenges (and their root cause) fast? Yes.

Even for seasoned DB2 pros, and certainly for those new to DB2 LUW, the nuances and terminology of the DB2 LUW process model might be new to you if you have previously worked with DB2 on the mainframe or some other DBMS platform.  You many not necessarily understand all the “dials” that can be turned across the LUW instance or database to make it run better.  But that is exactly what DBAs need to know—how to tune the database to improve performance (and keep customers using the application). Read this tutorial blog. 

DBA heroics subdue DB2 performance problems


Are you able to compare schemas between DB2 z/OS and DB2 LUW?   Yes you can with Toad Data Modeler!

Comparing schemas across database platforms, like DB2 LUW and DB2 z/OS, is sometimes necessary and often puzzling. No matter your motivation for comparing them, this can be a daunting task. Maybe you’re preparing to migrate an application to use data on LUW instead of z/OS. Or you’re simply trying to make sure that two copies of a database schema on two different platforms are being kept in sync as expected. You can look to Quest’s Toad family of products for help with this. You might already own the components you need. Read this tutorial blog.

Compare DB2 z/OS and LUW schemas? Yes, you can!


Cursive writing Happy Holidays over a fir tree background. For holiday reflection, an index of DB2 Toad World posts.

Happy holidays!

Make time this holiday season for reflection about your role as a DB2 DBA.  Whether it’s finding the causes of performance problems quicker (and the causes so you can fix them, once and for all), or locating indexes that are wasting time and processing resources, or comparing schemas across DB2 platforms—you might already own the Toad solution that can do just that!   The blog posts I’ve revisited here will help guide you to new levels of productivity and efficiency for your entire DB2 DBA team.


Learn more

Learn more about Toad for IBM DB2 so you can spend less time managing DB2 and more time innovating.  

Data sheet: Toad for IBM DB2

ebook: Toad for IBM DB2 Tips and Tricks


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About the Author

Tim Fritz

Quest Software solution architect - database performance management and administration solutions. Former DB2 developer and DBA. IBM Certified Database Administrator – DB2 LUW; Microsoft MCP, Certified Technical Specialist – SQL Server.