Software Development Times (SD Times) gathered opinions from 24 thought leaders about where they see the software development industry heading in 2020. Featured in this line up is Quest Software®. Representing Quest® is John Pocknell, senior solutions product manager in information management.

What was Pocknell’s prediction?


NoSQL will gain momentum. 

In the SD article, Pocknell states, “NoSQL hasn’t seen a huge amount of movement in recent years, but I believe we’ll see it pick up more next year, especially as people move towards fresher and newer data needs. While relational databases are good for traditional workloads like OLTP applications and business analytics (OLAP), for more complex OLTP workloads that include low-latency applications, NoSQL is better (versatility, agility, scalability). Ultimately, it’s a matter of getting the right database to suit the workloads of the organization, especially with the variety of structured and unstructured data in use.

How can Quest help with NoSQL?

For more than 20 years the Quest Software product line has been helping DBAs and developers save time and money. As databases evolve, so do our offerings. NoSQL stands for "Not only SQL" and it's a different way to store data and really helpful when working with large, disparate data sets.

Toad Data Point is a powerful tool that will help you access and prepare data for faster business insights. On premises or in the cloud, Toad Data Point allows you to connect, query and pull data from more than 50 data sources, including a number of NoSQL sources (Hadoop, MongoDB, Cassandra, Dynamo and more), and combine it with data from other data sources to support business analytics workflows. You can switch between these data sources with near-zero transition times.

Video and product page: Toad Data Point

Blog: 12 Days of Toad® Data Point

Foglight®: Mongo and Cassandra are NoSQL databases. As usage of NoSQL databases increase DBAs need tools to proactively manage the health of their NoSQL infrastructure and be able to gain deep insight into their distributed architecture.  Foglight products do just that.

eBook: A Zombie's Survival Guide in a Changing Database World

Product page: Foglight for Cassandra

Product page: Foglight for MongoDB

Learn more about Foglight for Databases:  Evolve and thrive with performance monitoring for today's database world


Autonomous databases to up level the role of the DBA

In late November, Pocknell penned his prediction in a Toad World® blog, “The rise of NoSQL databases and what the future holds for DBAs.In this blog he also predicted, Autonomous databases to up level the role of the DBA. He states,Next year, the impending growth of autonomous databases will impact database administrators (DBA).”

He continued, “Will it impact them to the point that they’ll be out of a job? No. But the role of the DBA will certainly shift as AI and adaptive machine learning enable organizations to automatically self-patch, self-tune, detect anomalies, and optimize indexes much more quickly and efficiently than manual hands-on processing.

How can Quest help with automation?

Quest Software® specializes in cross-database solutions and is vendor neutral. Many of our database management tools are known for their time saving features, including automation. 

Blog: What is automated SQL tuning? Time saving DBA tips.

Blog: 9 blogs to help tune your most challenging SQL Statements

Even with autonomous databases, the DBA will still need to monitor multiple DB platforms to understand what’s happening.

Learn more about Foglight for Databases:  Evolve and thrive with performance monitoring for today's database world


DBAs will take on more strategic roles

Pocknell continued, “DBAs, now free from many of their mundane tasks, will have to take on more strategic roles in developing new business initiatives and focusing on finding new areas where they can provide value, such as DevOps.

How can Quest help with DevOps?

Prepare for a future that enables DBAs and Developers to work together and deploy database updates and development faster. Start with continuous integration / continuous development.

ebook: Enabling Agile Database Development with Toad

Tech brief: Speed Your DevOps Pipeline by Including Database Development

Tech brief: The Importance of Continuous Monitoring in a DevOps Pipeline

Case Study: Major Financial Firm Advances DevOps with Trusted Database Tools

Blog (video): What is database DevOps?


The role to protect personal and sensitive data will increase in importance

“One reason why we won’t see the role of the DBA go away with autonomous databases is because of the importance they play in ensuring the safety of data. As more companies have to comply with personal data regulations such as GDPR, DBAs are in charge of protecting corporate data in order to ensure compliance, and as the need for DevSecOps grows, they will be key to enabling secure processes for provisioning of production data for pre-production testing, etc,” concluded Pocknell.

How can Quest help with data privacy?

Most developers and DBAs use Toad for Oracle to reduce time and effort to develop and manage Oracle databases. But did you know Toad can now find and control sensitive data across all your Oracle databases? What else can Toad do that you didn’t know about? 

More helpful links

Video: Just learning about sensitive data protection? Watch this 2-minute video.

Tech brief: Find out how you can search for sensitive data in this 2-page tech brief.

White paper: 8 Questions DBAs Need to Answer About Data Privacy and Protection.

Blog: 5 blogs on sensitive data protection. Start today.


Read the full SD Times article here, “Software predictions for 2020 from around the industry.


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