The Toad is on the case. As the Toad evolves to ease challenges presented by DevOps, the November, new release of Toad for Oracle 13.2 will include a new utPLSQL unit test creation module in all Toad editions.

Many organizations are challenged to bring database operations into their DevOps processes. Because it’s not easy to automate unit test creation for procedural code as part of the DevOps pipeline, incorporating database code changes remains a manual, risky process that works against DevOps values and workflows.


Create unit tests without leaving your database development tool

Toad for Oracle utPLSQL unit test creation allows developers to create unit tests easily using an industry standard approach without leaving their database development tool of choice. With the Toad for Oracle utPLSQL unit test module, Oracle database development teams can easily understand existing PL/SQL code coverage so they can focus unit test creation in the areas that allow them to get their databases ready for DevOps.

 Using this new utPLSQL unit test creation module within Toad for Oracle, database developers can create tests that are easily incorporated into database DevOps workflows with minimal risk and that ensure that all their databases have the right amount of unit test code coverage required to reduce defects.


The new release of Toad for Oracle 13.2 includes the:

  • Ability to create new unit tests for PL/SQL code utilizing the utPLSQL framework—effortlessly.
  • Unit Test Manager: Allows developers to visualize, organize and run all PL/SQL unit tests easily.
  • Automatic generation of unit test reports that allow developers to view test results and examine test performance.
  • Power to export and integrate user tests with DevOps tools like Jenkins, Bamboo and other CI/CD tools


How can I get the new utPLSQL module?

Watch and for the Toad for Oracle 13.2 release, arriving in November. Customers with a current maintenance contract are welcome to visit the support portal and upgrade to the 13.2 release of Toad for Oracle on release day!


Tell your friends about the new utPLSQL module

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Learn more about Toad for Oracle:

Technical brief: Top Five Reasons to Choose Toad Over SQL Developer

Case study: Opening doors and creating opportunities with data insights

Toad general information: Toad for Oracle product page