In this release of Toad Data Point Workbook, the most noticeable enhancement will be the newly redesigned Workbook. Other updates include new features, security enhancements, and resolved issues. 

Computer screen with database. What's new in Toad Data Point 5.1.3?


Specific features we'll explore in this blog are: 

  • Toad Data Point sleek, new design
  • Drag and drop workflow steps, you can also copy steps and clone entire workflows.  
  • There are also a couple of small enhancements to pivot grids and dimensional views that will benefit Toad Data Point traditional and Toad Data Point Workbook users.

Other enhancements that deserve a mention: 

  • Improved performance
  • Run Workbook silently
  • Dimentional view
  • Improvement with ODBC
  • Security and installation enhancements


What is Toad Data Point?

Toad® Data Point is a multi-platform database query tool built for anyone who needs to access data, understand data relationships, and quickly produce reports.

With Toad Data Point, you can:
  • Connect to almost any database or ODBC data source (see the Release Notes for a list of tested ODBC connections)
  • Write SQL queries and join data across all platforms
  • Automate and schedule frequent and repetitive tasks
  • Streamline data collection
  • Collaborate with team members
  • Export data in a variety of file formats
Toad Data Point is a cross-platform tool that provides a full-featured Database Explorer, Query Builder, and Editor for the following databases:
  • Oracle®
  • SQL Server® and SQL Azure
  • IBM® DB2® (LUW and z/OS)
  • SAP® ASE, IQ, SQL Anywhere, and HANA
  • Teradata®
  • MySQL
Toad Data Point also provides querying and reporting functionality via the following provider types:
  • ODBC
  • Business Intelligence and NoSQL data sources
  • Microsoft® Excel®
  • Microsoft Access® 
ODBC connections

The purpose of the ODBC provider is to offer basic connection and querying capabilities to any database that supports an ODBC 3.0 or later driver. For a list of databases tested with the ODBC provider, see the System Requirements in the Release Notes. This form of connectivity allows connections to databases such as Netezza, IBM iSeries, Ingres, and Vertica™. Because this form of connectivity is generic, it is not full-featured and may not be as robust as the fully-exploited providers for the other databases.

Business intelligence and NoSQL data sources

Toad Data Point provides users with the ability to connect to non-traditional data sources, such as Business Intelligence and NoSQL sources. You can connect to these data sources and explore data and objects, query data, report results, and automate tasks.

The following data sources are supported:

Toad Data Point provides users with the ability to connect to non-traditional data sources, such as Business Intelligence and NoSQL sources.


Try Toad Data Point Workbook for free

If you think you're ready to get started now, try Toad Data Point Workbook out with our free 30-day trial.

If you're already in a trial and Toad Data Point is helping you access and prepare data for faster business insights, buy it now or contact a sales representative.

If you're a loyal fan of Toad Data Point contact support to update/renew your license.


New features

Toad Workbook gets a new sleek design.

Just click the arrows to display actions available for each of the steps.

Sleek, new design Workflow. What's new in Toad Data Point Workbook 5.1.3.


Toad now supports drag and drop in Workbook

Simply left-click to drag and drop any workflow exactly where you want it.


Menu. Left click to drag and drop workflow.  What's new in Toad Data Point Workbook 5.1.3.


Right-click any workflow step such as Pivot Grid or Transformation and Cleanse and select Copy step and then right-click the place where you want to insert a copy of your step and select Paste step.

Menu showing workflow step, copy step.  What's new in Toad Data Point Workbook 5.1.3.


You cannot copy and paste Query Builder or Editor query steps but you can clone them into a new workflow. Right-click a workflow query step and select Clone to a new workflow and a new workflow that begins with the duplicated query step will be created.


Menu showing Workflow, clone workflow.  What's new in Toad Data Point Workbook 5.1.3.


Improved performance

We optimized performance of Workbook especially when working with large workflows that contain many steps.


Run Workbook silently

Use the following parameter to run Workbook silently from a command line:

–batch=true "Filepath"

e.g. "C:\Program Files\Quest Software\Toad Data Point 5.1\toad.exe" –batch=true "C:\Workbook\MyWorkbook.twf"


Pivot Grid

We added new options for Group By functions. Right-click a column header and Select from the available Group By options according to your data.

Screen shot new options for Group By functions.  What's new in Toad Data Point Workbook 5.1.3.

Dimensional View

We improved selection of aggregate values of columns. By default, there is no aggregate value set anymore. You can display all available aggregate values when you expand the selection in the field list.

Menu showing Dimensional View, improved selection of aggregate values of columns.   What's new in Toad Data Point Workbook 5.1.3.

Improvements with ODBC

You can set a custom character if you use modified ODBC drivers for connection to your database,

Set it in Tools | Options | Database | ODBC.

Menu showing set custom character. Options, Odbc drivers for connection to your database.  What's new in Toad Data Point Workbook 5.1.3.


Security and installation enhancements

For this release of Toad Data Point we have provided internal security adjustments. We have revised a list of third party components in use according to their known and potential vulnerabilities. Toad uses only reliable and safe components by third party vendors. See the list of third party components in Toad Data Point help file, section About Us | Third Party Components.

Our Toad installers are now based on the Wix Toolset , which improves user experience and performance of the installation process.


Learn more

Workbook is a feature in Toad Data Point. Toad Workbook helps you simplify your report-building process, build reusable workflows and run them all using a single button and output to several locations at once.

Watch this video about Toad Data Point Workbook and learn how to access and prepare data for faster business insights.

Remember, you can find blogs, videos, and forums in the Toad World community. 



I hope this blog is useful to you. If you have any questions, please post questions to the Toad Data Point forum on Toad World.


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About the Author

Jeff Surretsky

Jeffrey Surretsky has been working at Quest since 2000 as a Sales Engineer focusing on a wide variety of solutions including Foglight, SharePlex and the TOAD Family of Products. Before working at Quest, he was a DBA for various organizations spanning a diverse range of industries including but not limited to Insurance and Telephony . With almost 35 years of experience in the Information Technology industry, Jeffrey has a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science and a Masters Degree in Management of Information Systems.