In this tutorial we will run a MySQL database on Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) and use the cluster with Toad Edge 2.0.2.

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS), a recent addition to AWS, is a managed service for the Kubernetes container orchestration platform.  As a primer on Kubernetes terminology, a Pod is an abstraction for a set of collocated containers with its own networking and filesystem.  A Pod is the smallest atomic unit Kubernetes manages.  A replication controller maintains a specified number of Pod replicas for a container image specification. A service is an abstraction for targeting and directing client traffic to a set of Pods that are identified using label selectors.

In an earlier tutorial we created an EKS cluster in a VPC and joined two worker nodes to the cluster. In this continuation article we shall create a Kubernetes service and replication controller for MySQL Database. Subsequently we shall connect to the database with Toad Edge 2.0.2. This article has the following sections.

Creating a Kubernetes Replication Controller for MySQL

Creating a Kubernetes Service for MySQL

Creating a Connection

Creating a Table

Querying Table

Exporting Result Set

Creating a Kubernetes Replication Controller for MySQL

Kubernetes manages Docker containers. A replication controller is an object that defines the Docker container spec and manages the number of Pod replicas. A replication controller is defined in a configuration file in JSON or YAML format.  A service makes use of selector labels to access the Pods managed by a replication controller. These selector labels must match between a replication controller and a service.

Create a configuration file mysql-rc.yaml and copy the following listing to the file.

apiVersion: v1

kind: ReplicationController



    app: mysqlapp

  name: mysql-rc


  replicas: 1


    app: mysqlapp




        app: mysqlapp






              name: MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD

              value: mysql

          image: mysql

          name: mysql



              containerPort: 3306

The preceding configuration file defines a replication controller as indicated by the kind field. The metadata field specifies the labels of the replication controller; the labels default to the Pod labels if not set. The spec field defines the specification of the replication controller. The spec field further defines other fields including replicas, selector, and template. The replicas field specifies the number of “desired” replicas. By “desired” it is implied that if some replicas fail the replication controller starts new replicas to bring the number to the desired level. The default number of replicas is 1. An explicit 0 may be specified for replicas. The selector field specifies the label keys and values that must match in a Pod template to be managed by the replication controller. If selector labels are empty these default to the labels of the Pod template. The template field specifies the Pod that is managed by the replication controller and defines its own metadata and spec fields to define the Pod. Themetadata field defines the labels and the spec field describes the Pod and defines several fields including the restartPolicy field for the restart policy (default being Always) and the containers field, which defines a list of containers  including the container name, Docker image, environment variables, and ports for each container. The schema for the replication controller defines all the fields.

For the MySQL database the containers field defines container name as mysql, image as mysql, environment variables as MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD, and port as 3306 for the container port.

To create a replication controller run the following command.

kubectl create -f mysql-rc.yaml

As the command output indicates, a replication controller gets created.

C:\ElasticKubernetesService\MySQL>kubectl create -f mysql-rc.yaml

replicationcontroller “mysql-rc” created

List the replication controllers with the following command.

kubectl get rc

A replication controller for MySQL database gets listed.

C:\ElasticKubernetesService\MySQL>kubectl get rc


mysql-rc       1         1         1         17s

Describe the replication controller.

kubectl describe rc mysql

The replication controller detail gets listed, including the Pods managed by the rc, the containers described by the rc, the number of replicas, the Pods status, and the Events.

C:\ElasticKubernetesService\MySQL>kubectl describe rc mysql

Name:         mysql-rc

Namespace:    default

Selector:     app=mysqlapp

Labels:       app=mysqlapp

Annotations:  <none>

Replicas:     1 current / 1 desired

Pods Status:  1 Running / 0 Waiting / 0 Succeeded / 0 Failed

Pod Template:

  Labels:  app=mysqlapp



    Image:      mysql

    Port:       3306/TCP

    Host Port:  0/TCP



    Mounts:                 <none>

  Volumes:                  <none>


  Type    Reason            Age   From                    Message

  —-    ——            —-  —-                    ——-

  Normal  SuccessfulCreate  19s   replication-controller  Created pod: mysql-rc-


List the Pods.

kubectl get pods

A single Pod gets listed. The STATUS should be “Running” to be able to use the Pod.  The READY column lists the number of Pods/Desired number of Pods. A value of 1/1 implies one Pod out of the desired 1 Pods is ready.

C:\ElasticKubernetesService\MySQL>kubectl get pods

NAME                 READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE

mysql-rc-7p7n6       1/1       Running   0          36s

Creating a Kubernetes Service for MySQL

In this section we shall create a service that defines the access policy of the set of Pods that are targeted by the service. Create a configuration file mysql-service.yaml and copy the following listing to the file.

apiVersion: v1

kind: Service



    app: mysqlapp

  name: mysql




      port: 3306


    app: mysqlapp

  type: LoadBalancer

The kind field set to Service is what makes the configuration a service. The metadata field defines the labels and the name field the service name.  The spec field defines the Service specification, including the service type, ports exposed by the service, and selector label/s used to target Pods to route client traffic to.  The service configuration files must be conformant with the service schema. Service type is set to LoadBalancer which creates an external AWS Elastic Load Balancer (classic) for the service to balance client traffic on the external VM instances (EC2). Create a service with the following command.

kubectl create -f mysql-service.yaml

As the command output indicates, a service gets created.

C:\ElasticKubernetesService\MySQL>kubectl create -f mysql-service.yaml

service “mysql” created

List the services, and the mysql service gets listed. The mysql service defines anExternal-IP in addition to the Cluster-IP.  The Cluster-IP is a cluster-internal IP for load balancing on the endpoints. The External-IP routes client traffic to Cluster-IP.

C:\ElasticKubernetesService\MySQL>kubectl get services

NAME         TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP        PORT(S)


kubernetes   ClusterIP       <none>             443/TCP


mysql        LoadBalancer   ad865be0b99e7…   3306:31454/TCP


We would need the External-IP to access the service, and it is abbreviated in the services listed. Describe the service with the following command.

kubectl describe svc mysql

C:\ElasticKubernetesService\MySQL>kubectl describe svc mysql

Name:                     mysql

Namespace:                default

Labels:                   app=mysqlapp

Annotations:              <none>

Selector:                 app=mysqlapp

Type:                     LoadBalancer


LoadBalancer Ingress:

Port:                     <unset>  3306/TCP

TargetPort:               3306/TCP

NodePort:                 <unset>  31454/TCP


Session Affinity:         None

External Traffic Policy:  Cluster


  Type    Reason                Age   From                Message

  —-    ——                —-  —-                ——-

  Normal  EnsuringLoadBalancer  37s   service-controller  Ensuring load balancer

  Normal  EnsuredLoadBalancer   35s   service-controller  Ensured load balancer

Copy the LoadBalancer Ingress value ( from the service description as we shall need it in the next section to create a connection.

Creating a Connection

To create a connection select Connect>New Connection as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Creating a connection

Figure 1. Connect>New Connection

In New Connection wizard select Database Platform as MySQL as shown in Figure 2 and click on Next.

Figure 2. Selecting Database Platform as MySQL

Figure 2. Selecting Database Platform as MySQL

In Connection Settings the default settings are shown in Figure 3 and we need to modify some of these.

Figure 3. Default Connection Settings

Figure 3. Default Connection Settings

Set Hostname to the External-IP of the service or the LoadBalancer Ingress (the value would be different for different users) as obtained from the service description and as shown in Figure 4. Set Database to mysql. Specify the Password for the root user as configured in the MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD environment variable in the replication controller configuration. Click on Test Connection to test the connection.

Figure 4. Connection Settings

Figure 4. Connection Settings

A message Connection is OK gets displayed if a connection gets established, as shown in Figure 5. Click on Next.

Figure 5. Connection is OK. Click on Next

Figure 5. Connection is OK

In Connection Details select the option Enable Autocommit as shown in Figure 6.

Figure 6. Enabling Autocommit

Figure 6. Enabling Autocommit

Optionally specify a more suitable connection name (in terms of shorter or other factor) as shown in Figure 7 and click on Finish.

Figure 7. Completing Connection Details

Figure 7. Completing Connection Details

A new connection gets created and added to the Connections view, as shown in Figure 8. A SQL Worksheet gets associated with the connection. The Object Explorer lists the Databases with themysql database as the default or active database. AutoCommit is shown to be ON in the lower section.

Figure 8. Connections View shows a New Connection

Figure 8. New Connection

Creating a Table

In this section we shall create a database table called wlslog using the following data, in which the first row is the column headers row.


1,Notice,WebLogicServer,AdminServer,BEA-000365,Server state changed to STANDBY

2,Notice,WebLogicServer,AdminServer,BEA-000365,Server state changed to STARTING

3,Notice,WebLogicServer,AdminServer,BEA-000365,Server state changed to ADMIN

4,Notice,WebLogicServer,AdminServer,BEA-000365,Server state changed to RESUMING

5,Notice,WebLogicServer,AdminServer,BEA-000361,Started WebLogic AdminServer

6,Notice,WebLogicServer,AdminServer,BEA-000365,Server state changed to RUNNING

7,Notice,WebLogicServer,AdminServer,BEA-000360,Server started in RUNNING mode

Save the preceding listing to the wlslog.csv file. To create a table right-click on Tables in Object Explorer and select New Table as shown in Figure 9.

Figure 9. Selecting New Table

Figure 9.  Tables>New Table

In the New Table wizard specify a Table name (wlslog) with the Database selected as mysql as shown in Figure 10. Keeping other settings to the default, click on Next.

Figure 10. New Table Wizard

Figure 10. New Table Wizard

Next, add table columns. Click on New… to add a column as shown in Figure 11.

Figure 11. Adding a column

Figure 11. New Table>Table Columns>New

In the New Column wizard specify a column name (logid) in the Name field and select a Data Type as INT as shown in Figure 12. As logid is a primary key column, select the checkboxes Primary Key, Not Null, and Autoincrement.  Click on OK+Add to add the column and open the New Column wizard to add another column.

Figure 12. New Column Wizard

Figure 12. New Column Wizard

After adding each of the other columns category, type, servername, code click on OK+Add and after adding the last column msg click on OK as shown in Figure 13. The Data Type should be set toVARCHAR for each of the other columns. The column size may need to increase from the default value (20). As an example the msg field size has been set to 255.

Figure 13. Click on OK after adding columns

Figure 13. New Column>OK

In New Table all table columns are shown with their data type, as shown in Figure 14. Click on Finish.

Figure 14. New Table shows all columns. Click on Finish

Figure 14. New Table>Finish

The new table wlslog gets created, as shown in Figure 15. The table and its columns are listed in Object Explorer.

Figure 15. Table wlslog created

Figure 15. Table wlslog created

Next, add table data; for which, right-click on table and select Import Data as shown in Figure 16.

Figure 16. Right click on your choice of table and select Import Data

Figure 16. wlslog>Import Data

The Import Data wizard gets started, as shown in Figure 17. Click on the selector button (…) for the Source field and select the wlslog.csv file in the Select File dialog and click on Open. With the wlslog.csv file selected, click on Next.

Figure 17. Import Data, selecting source format

Figure 17. Import Data

In CSV Settings the Destination Database Table should be wlslog, as shown in Figure 18. The CSV Format Settings for field delimiter, text delimiter and escape character are specified, and as these are the settings in the wlslog.csv file we don’t need to modify. Select the checkbox for Skip First Row for Column Header. The Data Format settings for Date Format, Time Format don’t need to be modified, as the data being imported does not include date- or time-format data. The Data Format Preview displays the data to be imported. Click on Finish.

Figure 18. Data format preview

Figure 18. Import Data>Finish

The data should get imported. If data or a record does not get imported a Data Processing Error dialog gets displayed, as shown in Figure 19. The error detail is also listed and the option to either continue or terminate is provided. Select the option Ignore all errors and click on Continue.

Figure 19. Data Processing Error

Figure 19. Data Processing Error

The Data Import Result dialog indicates that data import has finished with errors and warnings, as shown in Figure 20. With the Refresh data and Open log file options selected, click on Close.

Figure 20. Data Import Result

Figure 20. Data Import Result

For the data to display we need to click on Refresh as shown in Figure 21.

Figure 21. clicking on Refresh

Figure 21. Refresh

The data gets displayed in the Data tab, as shown in Figure 22. As the import of the first record indicated an error, the first row is not listed.

Figure 22. Data tab displays the imported data

Figure 22. Data imported

Next, we shall demonstrate another feature that imports or adds a row of data at a time. We shall add the first record that did not get added with data import. Position the cursor on the first row and click on Add Row as shown in Figure 23.

Figure 23. Clicking on Add Row

Figure 23. Add Row

An empty row gets added, as shown in Figure 24. To add values for the first record, either the value may be added directly in the field provided or the Define in Editor may be selected, as shown in Figure 24.

Figure 24. An empty row has been added. Click on Define in Editor

Figure 24. Define in Editor

In the dialog displayed, specify a value for the logid column of type INT(20) and click on OK as shown in Figure 25.

Figure 25. Adding logid Value

Figure 25. Adding logid Value

For the category column select the value from the list of values displayed as shown in Figure 26.

Figure 26. Adding Value in category Field

Figure 26. Adding Value in category Field

Similarly, add values for thetype and servername fields. For the code column start to add a value with “B, as we know the code value starts with a “B”, and select a value from the list displayed as shown in Figure 27.

Figure 27. Adding code Column Value

Figure 27. Adding code Column Value

For the msg column click on Define in Editor as shown in Figure 28 to add a value.

Figure 28. Selecting Define in Editor for msg

Figure 28. Selecting Define in Editor for msg

Add a msg value as shown in Figure 29 and click on OK.

Figure 29. After adding a value for msg click OK

Figure 29. Adding msg

With a new record added, click on Refresh as shown in Figure 30.

Figure 30. Refreshing Data

Figure 30. Refreshing Data

A Commit dialog gets displayed indicating that the data needs to be committed, as shown in Figure 31.

Figure 31. The Commit dialog. Click 'yes' to commit

Figure 31. Commit

The new data should get committed. If the data does not get committed a Detail save failed dialog gets displayed, as shown in Figure 32.

Figure 32. Error message shows that the commit action was not successful

Figure 32. Detail Save Failed

The Error tab lists the error message. Click on Apply Changes as shown in Figure 33 to apply changes.

Figure 33. Clicking on Apply Changes

Figure 33. Apply Changes

Click on Refresh again as shown in Figure 34 to refresh data. All the data added and imported should get displayed.

Figure 34. Data Refreshed

Figure 34. Data Refreshed

Querying Table

In this section we shall query the table using the following SQL query.

SELECT * FROM wlslog;

First, open a new SQL Worksheet by selecting Open SQL Worksheet from the toolbar as shown in Figure 35.

Figure 35. Open SQL Worksheet

Figure 35. Open SQL Worksheet

Add SELECT in the SQL worksheet and select “*” from the code-assist drop-down as shown in Figure 36.

Figure 36. Adding SQL Statement using Code-Assist

Figure 36. Adding SQL Statement using Code-Assist

After adding “*” add a space and select FROM from the code-assist drop-down as shown in Figure 37.

Figure 37. Selecting FROM with Code Assist

Figure 37. Selecting FROM with Code Assist

Add another space and select wlslog from the code-assist drop-down as shown in Figure 38.

Figure 38. Selecting Table wlslog

Figure 38. Selecting Table wlslog

The complete SQL statement gets added, as shown in Figure 39.

Figure 39. Complete SQL Statement is added

Figure 39. Complete SQL Statement

Click on Execute SQL Statement as shown in Figure 40.

Figure 40. Click on Execute SQL Statement

Figure 40. Execute SQL Statement

The result set gets displayed, as shown in Figure 41.

Figure 41. Result Set

Figure 41. Result Set

Exporting Result Set

Result data may be exported to CSV, SQL, HTML or XML. To export the complete result set to CSV or SQL, right-click in the Result set and select Export Result. To export a selection of data from the result, select the data records to be exported.  Multiple rows of data or a range of rows may be selected with Shift+Row. As an example, select all the rows in the result by selecting the first row, selecting Shift and selecting the last row. Right-click and select Export Selection>HTML as shown in Figure 42.

Figure 42. Exporting the Selection as HTML

Figure 42. Export Selection>HTML

In the Save As dialog specify a File name (wlslog) and click on Save. The wlslog.html is shown in Figure 43.

Figure 43. Exported HTML

Figure 43. Exported HTML

A single data record may also be imported, as shown in Figure 44.

Figure 44. Single Row Export

Figure 44. Single Row Export

Deleting Cluster

To delete the EKS cluster select the cluster and click on Delete as shown in Figure 45.

Figure 45. Deleting the Cluster

Figure 45. Deleting Cluster

Click on Delete in the verification dialog as shown in Figure 46.

Figure 46. Delete cluster dialog

Figure 46. Delete cluster dialog

The EKS cluster starts to get deleted, as shown in Figure 47.

Figure 47. Deleting Cluster in progress

Figure 47. Deleting Cluster

The cluster gets deleted, as shown in Figure 48.

Figure 48. No clusters shown. The cluster has been deleted

Figure 48. Cluster deleted

Any Scaling groups, launch configurations, and CloudFormation stacks started for the cluster would need to be deleted separately.


In two articles we have discussed creating an EKS cluster to run a MySQL database Kubernetes service and using the cluster with Toad Edge 2.0.2. While Amazon EKS is a managed service for Kubernetes a client tool is needed to access a database running on EKS. Toad Edge is an integrated development environment for open source databases with the concomitant benefits of a connection wizard, object explorer, and other wizards to access open source databases, run SQL statements and explore database objects.

About the Author

Deepak Vohra

Deepak Vohra is an Oracle Certified Associate, Oracle Database 10g, and Sun Certified Java Programmer. Deepak has published on OTN and in Oracle Magazine.