In this article we shall discuss using Toad Edge with a containerized application for MySQL database running on Amazon ECS Fargate launch type. Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) is a managed container orchestration service for Docker containers with provision to launch containerized applications on virtual machines (EC2 instances/servers). With the EC2, launch type servers are provisioned and managed by a user. The Amazon Fargate launch type has introduced a serverless containerization platform with which no VMs (EC2 instances) are created and managed directly; instead, a user is provided a cluster of tasks on the Fargate platform. The Fargate platform manages the underlying VMs (EC2 instances). The Fargate launch type provisions an Elastic Network Interface (ENI) that includes a Public IP address for accessing the containerized application for each task.  Fargate launch type has simplified the Amazon ECS service with its serverless platform and seamless scaling. An ECS service on Fargate launch type may be integrated with the other AWS services, such as VPC, CloudWatch, IAM, and CloudTrail, just like an ECS service on the EC2 launch type.

This article has the following sections.

Setting the Environment

Creating an Elastic Container Service

Configuring Container Definition for MySQL Database

Configuring Task Definition

Configuring ECS Service for MySQL Database

Creating ECS Cluster

Getting Networking Information to Connect to MySQL Database

Creating a Connection in Toad Edge

Creating a Database Table

Adding Table Data

Deleting a ECS Cluster

Setting the Environment

Download and install Toad Edge

Create an AWS account at

Creating an Elastic Container Service

In this section we shall create an Amazon Elastic Container Service (ECS) with Fargate launch type for a containerized MySQL database application. Open URL in a browser and click on Get started with Amazon ECS as shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1. Clicking on Get started with Amazon ECS

Figure 1. Get started with Amazon ECS

Click on Get Started in the ECS service wizard as shown in Figure 2.

Figure 2. Clicking on Get Started in the Amazon ECS wizard

Figure 2. Get started

The Getting Started with Amazon ECS wizard gets launched, as shown in Figure 3. As the diagram for ECS objects indicates an ECS cluster comprises a service, which further comprises a task definition consisting of one or more container definitions.  A task definition defines the task abstraction, which provisions an elastic network interface (ENI) and a Public IP. Multiple tasks may be defined in a single Elastic Container Service (ECS) cluster.  The container abstraction defines the Docker image, including port mappings if any, environment variables if any, and networking, storage, and logging.

Figure 3. Diagram of ECS objects

Figure 3. Diagram of ECS Objects


Configuring Container Definition for MySQL Database

First, the container definition is configured, and pre-configured container definitions for a sample-app and an nginx application are available. To create a custom container definition for MySQL database click on Configure for the custom container definition as shown in Figure 4.

Figure 4. Choosing to configure a custom container definition

Figure 4. Selecting to configure custom container definition

In the Edit container wizard specify a Container name (mysqldb) and specify DockerImage as mysql as shown in Figure 5. Specify a Soft (512 MB) and Hard Limit (1024) for memory.

Figure 5. Configuring the container definition

Figure 5. Configuring Container Definition

In Port mapping specify port 3306, as shown in Figure 6. For the Fargate launch the host port is the same as the container port. Click on Advanced container configuration to configure some of the other settings, including environment variables.

Figure 6. Specifying port mappings

Figure 6. Specifying Port Mappings

First, the Environment configuration settings are displayed as shown in Figure 7.  Every task definition, which includes one or more container definitions, must include at least one “essential” container definition. Select the Essential checkbox as shown in Figure 7. With only one container in a task definition, that container must be selected as “Essential”. The Environment section also includes a provision to specify environment variables. The Docker image mysql has one mandatory environment variable, MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD, which must be configured. Click on the Update button to complete the container definition. 

Figure 7. Environment specification with 'essential' box checked

Figure 7. Advanced container configuration>Environment

A container definition gets added as shown in Figure 8.

Figure 8. Container definition mysqldb

Figure 8. Container Definition mysqldb

Configuring Task Definition

Next, configure the task definition.  As the Task definition section in Figure 9 indicates default values are provided for Task definition name, Network mode, Task execution role, Compatibilities (launch type compatibility), Task memory and Task CPU. Some of these task definition settings are modifiable while others are not. Click on Edit to modify task definition.

Figure 9. Clicking on 'edit' to modify task definition

Figure 9. Task definition>Edit

In the Configure task definition set or modify the Task definition name (mysql-task-definition) as shown in Figure 10.

The Network mode for Fargate is not modifiable and must be awsvpc. The Task execution role may be set to ecsTaskExecutionRole.  The ecsTaskExecutionRole allows accessing the Amazon ECR to download the container image, and allows access to CloudWatch to store container application logs.

Next, select the Task Size settings for Task memory and Task CPU as shown in Figure 10.  Only specific combinations of Task memory and Task CPU may be used. For example, if Task CPU of 0.5 vCPU is selected for Task memory of 0.5GB an error message is displayed, “The bucket specified for memory and CPU is invalid. The valid memory range for 0.5 vCPU is: 1GB – 4GB.”  Set Task memory to 1GB and Task CPU to 0.5 vCPU. Click on Save to save the task definition.

Figure 10. Configuring task definition

Figure 10. Task Size

Click on Next as shown in Figure 11 to complete the container and task definitions.

Figure 11. Completing Container and Task Definitions with Next

Figure 11. Completing Container and Task Definitions with Next

Configuring ECS Service for MySQL Database

The Define your service section lists the default settings for Service name, Number of desired tasks (1), Security group (Automatically create new) and Load balancer type (None), as shown in Figure 12. The Edit button is provided to modify the service. Keep the default service configuration and click on Next.

Figure 12. Define your service

Figure 12. Define your service

Creating ECS Cluster

As the diagram for ECS objects in Figure 13 shows, the Cluster is the only object yet to be created.

Figure 13. Diagram of ECS objects

Figure 13. Diagram of ECS Objects

In Configure your cluster specify a Cluster name (mysql) as shown in Figure 14. The VPC ID is set to automatically create a new VPC and Subnets is set to automatically create new Subnets. To be able to automatically create a new VPC the account limit for the number of VPCs must not already have been reached, which may be verified at

Figure 14. Specifying a cluster name in Configure your cluster

Figure 14. Configure your cluster

As the diagram in Figure 15 of ECS objects indicates, all the ECS objects have been configured.

Figure 15. Diagram of ECS objects indicates all ECS objects have been configured

Figure 15. Diagram of ECS Objects

A Review of the Service, task definition, and container definitions gets listed, as shown in Figure 16. Click on Create to create the Elastic container service cluster.

Figure16. Clicking on Create

Figure 16. Review>Create

The ECS resources get provisioned, as shown by the Launch Status in Figure 17. Click on View service to display service detail.

Figure 17. Launch status of ECS resources

Figure 17. Launch Status of ECS Resources

The service detail for the mysqldb-service gets displayed, as shown in Figure 18. Tabs are provided for Details, Tasks, Events, Auto Scaling, Deployments, Metrics and Logs. Network Access lists the Allowed VPC, Allowed Subnets, and Security groups. The Auto-assign public IP must be ENABLED to allow access to the containerized application. Select the Tasks tab to list tasks.

Figure 18. Service details

Figure 18. Service Details

The single service task gets listed, as shown in Figure 19. The LAST STATUS and Desired Status must be RUNNING before the task may be used.

Figure 19. Listing of mysqldb-service task

Figure 19. Listing Service Tasks

The Events tab (Figure 20) lists the events, which include the service starting task/s and reaching a steady state.

Figure 20. Events tab

Figure 20. Events

The Clusters lists the mysql cluster, as shown in Figure 21.

Figure 21. Clusters lists the mysql cluster

Figure 21. Clusters>mysql

Click on the cluster link mysql to display the services table with the mysqldb-service as shown in Figure 22.

Figure 22. Displaying mysql-service

Figure 22. Service mysqldb-service

Getting Networking Information to Connect to MySQL Database

To be able to access the container application for MySQL database we need to get network information about the ECS task.  Click on the task link shown in Figure 19.  In the task detail copy the Public IP as shown in Figure 23. The Public IP may also be obtained from the ENI, which is listed in the ENI id field.

Figure 23. Task Detail showing public IP

Figure 23. Public IP

Creating a Connection in Toad Edge

In this section we shall connect to the containerized application for MySQL database with Toad Edge. Select Connect>New Connection as shown in Figure 24.

Figure 24. Selecting New Connection in Toad Edge

Figure 24. Connect>New Connection

In the New Connection wizard select Database Platform as MySQL and click on Next as shown in Figure 25.

Figure 25. Select MySQL as database platform and click on next

Figure 25. New Connection>Database Platform>MySQL>Next

Next, specify the Connection Settings as shown in Figure 26. Specify Host as the Public IP (obtained in Figure 24). Specify Database as mysql. Specify User as root and Password as the value of the MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD configured in Figure 7. Click on Test Connection to test the connection.

Figure 26. Configuring and testing the connection

Figure 26. Configuring and Testing Connection

If a connection gets established the message Connection is OK gets displayed, as shown in Figure 27. Click on Next.

Figure 27. 'Connection is OK' message

Figure 27. Testing Connection result is Connection is OK

In Connection Details select the checkbox for option Enable Autocommit as shown in Figure 28.  Click on Finish.

Figure 28. Enabling autocommit

Figure 28. Connection Details

A new connection gets created and added to Connections view, as shown in Figure 29. A SQL Worksheet gets associated with the connection.

Figure 29. Connection view shows the new connection added

Figure 29. Connection added to Toad Edge

The Object Explorer lists the Databases, Users and Server, as shown in Figure 30. The mysql database is selected as the default (or active) database.

Figure 30. Connections and Object Explorer

Figure 30. Connections and Object Explorer

Creating a Database Table

In this section we shall create a database table.  We shall create a table called wlslog with columnslogid (primary key), category, type, servername, code and msg. All columns are of type VARCHAR except thelogid column, which is of type INT. Right-click on mysql>Tables and select New Table as shown in Figure 31.

Figure 31. Choosing mysql to Tables to New Table

Figure 31. mysql>Tables>New Table

In the New Table wizard specify a table name (wlslog) with the Database selected as mysql. Keep other settings as the default and click on Next as shown in Figure 32.

Figure 32. Specifying table name and clicking next

Figure 32. New Table>Next

In Table Columns click on New… to add column definitions as shown in Figure 33.

Figure 33. Clicking on 'New' in the Table Columns window

Figure 33. New Table>Table Columns>New

The New Column window gets started, as shown in Figure 34. Specify column name (logid for the primary key column) and select Data Type as INT. Specify the Column Precision (20 is default) and select the Primary Key checkbox as shown in Figure 34. The Not Null checkbox gets selected when a column is selected as a Primary Key column. Optionally select Autoincrement option. Click on OK to add the column. To add the column and start a new New Column window to add another column click on Ok+Add as shown in Figure 34.

Figure 34. New Column window

Figure 34. New Column>Ok+Add

The logid column gets added and a new New Column window gets launched to add another column. Add other columns (category, type, servername, code and msg). The New Column window is launched each time for a column when  Ok+Add is clicked. After adding the last column msg click on OK as shown in Figure 35.

 Figure 35. Adding the msg column in the New Column window

Figure 35. Adding msg column

After all columns have been added, as shown in Figure 36, click on Finish.

Figure 36. Clicking on Finish after adding columns

Figure 36. New Table>Table Columns>Finish

The wlslog table gets created and gets added to Object Explorer, as shown in Figure 37.

FIgure 37. The wlslog table is created and shows in Object Explorer

Figure 37. Table wlslog created

The table detail lists Columns and other table definition objects, as shown in Figure 38. Click on Data tab to display table data. Initially no data is displayed.

Figure 38.  wlslog Table Columns and other table components

Figure 38. Table Columns and other table components

Adding Table Data

In this section we shall add data table. Create a CSV file (wlslog.csv) and save the following listing to the file.


1,Notice,WebLogicServer,AdminServer,BEA-000365,Server state changed to STANDBY

2,Notice,WebLogicServer,AdminServer,BEA-000365,Server state changed to STARTING

3,Notice,WebLogicServer,AdminServer,BEA-000365,Server state changed to ADMIN

4,Notice,WebLogicServer,AdminServer,BEA-000365,Server state changed to RESUMING

5,Notice,WebLogicServer,AdminServer,BEA-000361,Started WebLogic AdminServer

6,Notice,WebLogicServer,AdminServer,BEA-000365,Server state changed to RUNNING

7,Notice,WebLogicServer,AdminServer,BEA-000360,Server started in RUNNING mode

The first row in the wlslog.csv file is for column headers. Next, import table data. Right-click on the wlslog table in Object Explorer and select Import Data… as shown in Figure 39.

Figure 39. selecting Import Data

Figure 39. wlslog>Import Data…

The Import Data wizard gets started, as shown in Figure 40. For Import Format select CSV file or ZIP archive with CSV content. Click on the browse button (…) for the Source file and select the wlslog.csv file. Click on Next.

Figure 40. Import Data

Figure 40. Import Data

Keep the default CSV Settings as shown in Figure 41. The Data Format Preview displays the data to be imported. Click on Finish. 

Figure 41. CSV settings

Figure 41. CSV Settings

The Data Import Result indicates that data has been imported successfully, as shown in Figure 42.

Figure 42. Data import result message. Data import finished.

Figure 42. Data Import Result

Click on the Refresh button with the Data tab selected to display the data imported as shown in Figure 43.

Figure 43. Clicking on the Refresh icon to show the imported data

Figure 43. Data>Refresh

Data may be added one row at a time with Add Row as shown in Figure 44.

Figure 44. Add row icon

Figure 44. Add Row

One or more data rows may be deleted with Drop Selected Rows as shown in Figure 45. 

Figure 45. Drop selected rows icon

Figure 45. Drop Selected Rows

Deleting an ECS Cluster

To delete the ECS cluster all running tasks in the cluster must first be stopped. To stop a task or tasks select the task/s and click on Stop. To stop all tasks click on   Stop All as shown in Figure 46.

Figure 46. Selecting Stop All

Figure 46. Stopping task/s

In the Stop all tasks dialog specify STOP ALL in the field provided and click on Stop all as shown in Figure 47.

Figure 47. Typing STOP ALL in uppercase in the stop all tasks dialog

Figure 47. Stop all tasks

After stopping the task/s click on the Delete Cluster button, shown in Figure 48.

Figure 48. Clicking on the Delete Cluster button

Figure 48. Delete Cluster

Click on Delete in the Delete Cluster dialog as shown in Figure 49.

Figure 49. Clicking on Delete in the Delete Cluster dialog

Figure 49. Delete Cluster

Cluster mysql gets deleted, as indicated by message and Clusters table in Figure 50.

Figure 50.  cluster mysql is deleted notificatin

Figure 50. Cluster mysql deleted


In this article we discussed using Amazon ECS Fargate launch type to create a containerized application for MySQL database. Subsequently, we connected to the MySQL database with Toad Edge 2.0.2 and created a database table, and added table data. Toad Edge 2.0.2 is a one-stop integrated development environment not only for MySQL but also for PostgreSQL, EDB, and Redshift. We also discussed deleting the ECS cluster.


Want to learn more?

User guide: Access the Toad Edge User Guide.

Product page: Click the following link to watch a video on our product page and learn how Toad Edge can help you simplify development and management tasks for open source databases.

Blog: 7 hacks to use Toad Edge like a boss

Blog: 5 blogs that teach you to effectively work in Toad Edge®


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About the Author

Deepak Vohra

Deepak Vohra is an Oracle Certified Associate, Oracle Database 10g, and Sun Certified Java Programmer. Deepak has published on OTN and in Oracle Magazine.