was launched in 2006 and hosted the first viral freemium, Toad® for Oracle. Since its inception, Toad World® has evolved into a trusted community where database developers and administrators could not only download free trials, they could ask for advice and share their knowledge. Today, Toad World is a respected community that provides a platform for experts in their field to share knowledge and learn how to be the best at database management. Toad World has a huge international following and 1000s of people visit it every day to get free trail downloads, gain knowledge via our blog and solve problems in our forum.

In the 2018-2019 timeframe, the staff diligently worked hard to update our community’s look and feel, we also pruned our blog posts, which numbered in the 1000s. Along the way, we noticed there are some blogs that are popular for a short time, some gain popularity over time and others that never go out of style. We wanted to share our discoveries with you.


Below is a compilation of the 10, all-time most popular Toad for IBM DB2blog posts on Toad World today.Year after year, month after month and even daily—these posts get the most visits. Take a look at our list below. You may see posts you’ve visited before or posts that are new to you that pique your interest. Before you get started, get your favorite beverage and maybe a snack…we are pretty sure you’ll find something of interest. Enjoy fellow Toads.


  1. How to install IBM Db2 Developer Edition on Centos 7 using Docker
  2. Install Toad for DB2 version 6.3 using IBM Data Server Driver
  3. Configure Db2 Data Server Driver to communicate with the Db2 server via SSL connection and how to use it in Toad for DB2 version 6.3.
  4. Configure IBM Db2 LUW v11.1 for SSL connections (self-signed certificate)
  5. How to create an SSL connection to the Db2 Warehouse on Cloud (former dashDB) using Toad for DB2 v 6.3 and Data Server Driver.
  6. Creating Stored Procedures
  7. Compare DB2 z/OS and LUW schemas?  Yes, you can!
  8. Track Down Useless Indexes Effortlessly with Toad for DB2 LUW
  9. Toad for DB2 v6.5 is now available!
  10. Toad for DB2 v6.3 is now available


And two to grow on…

These newer blogs haven’t had as much time to catch up with the others, but are quite popular, ranking 11 and 12 in most views.

  1. What's new in Toad for DB2 v7.0
  2. DBA heroics subdue DB2 performance problems

From the Toad World editorial team, we hope you enjoyed this post and revisited past blogs you learned from, discovered new blogs that were helpful and choose to share this information with your colleagues.


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Data sheet: Toad for IBM DB2

ebook: Toad for IBM DB2 Tips and Tricks



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