was launched in 2006 and hosted the first viral freemium, Toad® for Oracle. Since its inception, Toad World® has evolved into a trusted community where database developers and administrators could not only download free trials, they could ask for advice and share their knowledge. Today, Toad World is a respected community that provides a platform for experts in their field to share knowledge and learn how to be the best at database management. Toad World has a huge international following and 1000s of people visit it every day to get free trial downloads, gain knowledge via our blog and solve problems in our forum.

In the 2018-2019 time frame, the Toad World staff diligently worked hard to update our community’s look and feel, we also pruned our blog posts, which numbered in the 1000s. Along the way, we noticed there are some blogs that are popular for a short time, some gain popularity over time and others that never go out of style. We wanted to share our discoveries with you.

This month Toad's Top 10 is featuring Toad Edge®. If you're facing the daunting task of migrating your existing commercial database to open source, such as MySQL or PostgreSQL or you're building new in-house applications on open source database management systems (OSDBMS), then you know that commercial tooling for these databases falls short.

Toad Edge® is a lightweight, reliable desktop toolset that simplifies development and management tasks for open source databases. A bonus is, if you've used Toad database management tools before, there's no high learning curve because Toad tools have similar features making it easier to master new database platforms quickly. It's business as usual with a tool that has features you're already familiar with.

This cross-platform tool will simplify your work on MySQL, PostgreSQL, MariaDB, Amazon Redshift and EDB Postgres Advanced Server. Toad Edge supports coding, editing, schema compare and sync and DevOps CI processes, so you can manage your open source databases easily and confidently.

Want to learn more?

Toad Edge product page: Click the following link to watch a video on our product page and learn how Toad Edge can help you simplify development and management tasks for open source databases.


Top 10 most popular Toad Edge® blogs

Below is a compilation of the 10, all-time most popular Toad Edge blog posts on Toad World today. Year after year, month after month and even daily—these posts get the most visits. Take a look at our list below. You may see posts you’ve visited before or posts that are new to you that pique your interest. Before you get started, get your favorite beverage and maybe a snack…we are pretty sure you’ll find something of interest. Enjoy fellow Toads.


  1. Using Toad Edge with MySQL Database
  2. Toad Edge for PostgreSQL Technical Preview
  3. Getting Started with Toad Edge [4 videos]
  4. Using the All-In-One Toad Edge 2.02 with MySQL, PostgreSQL, EDB, Aurora, and MariaDB
  5. Using Toad Edge 2.0.2 with Amazon Redshift – Part 1
  6. Using Toad Edge 2.0 with PostgreSQL 10
  7. Using SSH in Toad Edge 1.1 with MySQL Database
  8. Using Toad Edge for MySQL with ECS on Fargate
  9. Using Toad Data Modeler with Toad Edge for MySQL 5.x – I
  10. Using Toad Edge Preview 2.0.0 with EnterpriseDB (EDB) Postgres 10


And one to grow on…

This newer blog and hasn’t had as much time to catch up with the others, but is quite popular, ranking 4 in most views in last quarter.

  1. 7 hacks to use Toad Edge like a boss

From the Toad World editorial team, we hope you enjoyed this post and revisited past blogs you learned from, discovered new blogs that were helpful and choose to share this information with your colleagues.


Try Toad Edge free for 30 days

Free 30-day trial of Toad Edge.

Already in a trial? If Toad Edge has helped you ramp up on open source RDBMSs fast, buy it now or contact a sales representative.



Our Toad family of products are continually evolving and getting better because we listen to you, our customers.

Do you have questions? Please post questions to the Toad Edge forum on Toad World®.

Better yet, if you want to be part of the evolution and make the product even better, you can simply make that suggestion/enhancement request by using our Toad Edge Idea Pond.


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