Q: When I describe a table (say hit F4 on the table name in a SQL query) I often like to copy and paste Column Names from the Columns tab into a SQL statement – however when i do paste it, the column name, id, type etc get pasted as well. Is there any option?

A: We made drag-n-drop and copy/paste such that you could do either…. You can copy/paste as you are wanting from the Object Pallete – which you may find more convenient than doing f4 popups on your objects to get columns lists… Also, you are aware of the DOT lookups? i.e. type "scott.emp." you will get a popup where you can multiselect the columns you want for that table.

About the Author

Steve Hilker

Steve Hilker was a Product Manager for Quest Software. Steve has over 35 years technical experience spanning application development, system administration, database management and various management positions at several software companies. Steve was the founder of RevealNet, best known for its desktop knowledge bases and unique database tools such as PL/Formatter. RevealNet was acquired by Quest Software in 2001. He's had the pleasure of being the product manager for many of Quest's database tools.