You can search for various metacharacters in the MOE as follows :

  • CTRL F (or Edit→Find) to open the Find dialogue.
  • Tick the box marked Regular expressions in the Options section.
  • In the Text to find editbox, type in one (or more) of the characters in the table below.
  • Click OK.


Type this To search for this
\r Carriage return
\n New line (Line feed)
\f Form feed (page feed)
\t Tab character
\b Backspace
\s Whitespace character
\S Space
. (a dot) Any single character. For example, c.b matches cab, cob, and cub.
[] Any one of the characters in the brackets, or any range of characters separated by a hyphen, or a character class operator.
[ ^ ] Any character that EXCEPTING those after the caret. For example, c[^u]b will match cab and cob, but not cub.
^ Start of a line.
$ End of a line (but not the line break characters)
* Matches none or more of the preceding characters or expressions. For example, bo*t matches bt, bot, and boot.
? Matches zero or one of the preceding characters or expressions. For example, bo?t matches bt, bot, but not boot.
+ Matches one or more of the preceding characters or expressions. For example, bo+t matches bot, and boot but not bt.

The above table is stolen blatently from the TOAD help file. The topic is named Regular Expression Searches. Other help topics on this subject are :

  • Character Classes
  • Metacharacters
  • Examples of Regular Expressions