Here are the sample scripts available for the Toad DevOps Toolkit, and below is the Jenkins plugin.

Download here

The Toad DevOps Toolkit Jenkins Plugin enables Oracle users to automate various DevOps tasks such as performing PL/SQL code analysis, running unit tests, and executing scripts.

Instructions to install the Toad DevOps Toolkit Jenkins Plugin:

  1. Download ci-with-toad-devops-toolkit.hpi Jenkins Plugin file from this page.
  2. From your Jenkins server click “Manage Jenkins”.
  3. Within the “Manage Jenkins” page click “Manage Plugins”.
  4. Near the top click the “Advanced” tab.
  5. Under the “Upload Plugin” heading click “Choose File” and select the plugin .hpi file available on this page.
  6. Click “Upload” and Jenkins will restart and the new plugin will be available.

See also the Jenkins “Continuous Integration with Toad DevOps Toolkit Plugin” page