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Join Quest experts in Session 4 of the Ask Toad webcast series where we answer, “The simple way to convert an Oracle database to a new database.”

With the emergence of open source database software solutions, more companies are looking to break free from the grip of high cost database software. But, just as quickly as management sees the savings, data architects and DBAs see the headaches from making this change a reality.

Toad® Data Modeler simplifies the task by allowing you to create data models from 16 sources and quickly convert them to your targets. Whether you are a novice or expert, Toad Data Modeler gives you the latitude to explore those free and open source database solutions. Learn how it works in this short session.

You will learn how to:

• Easily create a Data Model of an existing database
• Transform an existing Data Model to a New Data Source Model
• Quickly generate DDL for a New Data Source


Albert Rodriguez, SW Sales Engineer I

Biggest take away from this webcast

Straight from our speakers to you: read why they think you should attend this webcast and the key take away that is their favorite learning point.

 “Being able to convert your existing database structure into another database source with the click of a button is just one cool feature of Toad Data Modeler,” said Albert Rodriguez, software sales engineer I at Quest Software.

Imagine being able to convert your existing database structure into another database source at a click of a button!


Screen shot  of Run Convert feature of Toad Data Modeler gives you the ability to convert your existing database structure into another database source with the click of a button.


And then being able to get the converted database DDL just as easy.


Screenshot of another feature in Toad Data Modeler, where you can use the Generate DDL Script feature to get the converted database DDL.


If you think that is cool, wait until you see the tool that allows you to connect to over 30 different databases.

Screen shot of Toad Data Modeler Intelligence Central feature, which allows you to connect to over 30 different databases.


“I hope you watch this session so I can can show you how,” concluded Rodriguez.


Ask Toad: A webcast series for Toad for Oracle users

If you’re interested in automatically ensuring coding best practices to reduce risk and avoid the stressors associated with coding errors in production—enjoy a 30 minute break to learn something new. Pick one or pick them all, watch this webcast series now.


Watch Now!


Improve your code quality

Want to save hours, increase accuracy and enjoy easier workdays? We’re offering our top three Toad editions so you can try Toad free for 30 days. Which Toad edition is right for you? Find out with our feature matrix.

Are you already in a trial? Talk to sales or buy now online.

Meet Ask Toad speakers at Oracle Open World 2019 banner.