We're bringing the biggest names in tech, right to you. Join us for this free, interactive learning experience.


We get it. Due to Covid-19, some of the very best technology, live, in-person events have been cancelled this year. We know how important events like Postgress, Collaborate and SQL Saturdays are. Not only do you network with peers, you learn about the latest technologies and how to navigate the ever-changing world of databases and the tools that help you master them.

You know how the saying goes … when life give you lemons …

While you can’t go to live events, we can bring live events to you. Join us for our upcoming live webinar on June 24 at 12:00 p.m. ET, "Ask the Experts: Database Performance Roundtable." And listen and learn at your leisure—watch our on-demand webinar series Quest® Database Training Days. These webinars bring the biggest names in tech right to you. This is interactive learning, delivered by top industry experts—and, you can attend live or, at your convenience and on demand.


Learn from experts:

  • Microsoft Certified Master Brent Ozar

  • Pinal Dave of SQL Autohority

  • Oracle ACE Director Janis Griffin


Register now for the next live event: 

Ask the Experts: Database Performance Roundtable

June 24, 12:00 p.m. ET

Join Quest for this live streaming event, featuring Brent Ozar and Pinal Dave

Hold on to your hats as two powerhouses of the SQL Server world come together on one virtual stage to answer your top database performance questions. Anything could happen! These two are:

  • The Fred and George Weasley of the database wizarding world, always ready with a quip, explosion or skiving snackbox…
  • The Kirk and Spock of the SQL Server universe, ready to boldly go where no one has gone before…
  • The Batman and Robin of performance tuning, with an endless utility belt of database tools…

You get the picture.

Don’t miss this one-of-a-kind opportunity to get advice and real-world insight from industry-leading experts, Brent Ozar, Microsoft Certified Master and Pinal Dave, SQL Server Performance Tuning Expert.

Register to attend using the Save My Spot button below and be sure to submit your questions for our virtual Q&A. Hurry, space is limited and will fill up quickly.

Save My Spot


Watch these webcasts on demand

Reserve your "front-row seat" to witness some of the coolest, cutting-edge presentations on SQL query optimization, SQL performance tuning, cloud migration, DevOps, open source database adoption and more. You’ll gain real-world insight into successfully planning, building and operating a modern database environment. You’ll also see how to overcome your biggest database pain points ― and have a lot of fun along the way. By the end of this insight-packed series, you’ll have a seriously impressive skill set!

  • Monthly Mentor Webcast: Kick Start! SQL Server 2019 Performance Tips and Tricks

  • Do You Feel the Need … the Need for Speed? Top Five SQL Server Query Tuning Tips

  • How to Measure Your SQL Server

  • Why Defragmenting Your Indexes Isn't Helping

  • The New Robots in SQL Server 2017, 2019 and Azure

  • Oracle 19c Automatic Indexing Inside & Out!

  • Need for Speed? My Top Five Oracle Performance Tuning Tips

Watch just one or watch them all, sign up for as many events as you wish, at your convenience and on-demand.

Watch Now.