This month we released Toad Edge® v2.1 for both MySQL and Postgres. Learn what's new…

If you have not heard of Toad Edge before it is one of the newer Toad products and is a database management tool that specifically targets open source relational databases. Currently there are 2 flavors of Toad Edge – Toad Edge for MySQL and Toad Edge for Postgres. To learn more about Toad Edge (or download a free trial) you can visit the Toad Edge Product Page here on Toad World.

Toad Edge v2.1 (available today on introduces the following new features and capabilities:

  • Support for Postgres 11
  • Support for EDB Advanced Server 11
  • Support for MariaDB v10.2
  • Multiple sessions can be viewed in the Toad Edge Session Browser
  • New DBMS output window (and capturing outputs for Postgres and EDB Advanced Server)

To learn more about this release of Toad Edge you can view the Toad Edge v2.1 release notes and other technical documentation here.

Have a question about Toad Edge? Ask on our Toad Edge Toad World forum.

Would like to request a new feature in Toad Edge? Please let us know on our Toad Edge Idea Pond – where you can submit your ideas directly to our development team and even vote on what you would like to see next.

About the Author

Julie Hyman

Julie Hyman is a Sr. Product Manager for Quest Software. Julie has 20+ years of experience in Development, Project Management and Product Management.