These resources will help you get the most out of Toad Edge.

If you have any questions on this content or other areas related to Toad Edge, you can use the Toad World forums to start a discussion directly with the Toad Edge community!


Toad Edge Installation on Windows



Toad Edge Connection Configuration



Toad Edge User Interface Overview



Using Worksheets in Toad Edge


Using Toad Edge with MySQL Database


Want to learn more?

User guide: Access the Toad Edge User Guide.

Product page: Click the following link to watch a video on our product page and learn how Toad Edge can help you simplify development and management tasks for open source databases.

Blog: 7 hacks to use Toad Edge like a boss

Blog: 5 blogs that teach you to effectively work in Toad Edge®


Try Toad Edge free for 30 days

Free 30-day trial of Toad Edge

Already in a trial? If Toad Edge has helped you ramp up on open source RDBMSs fast, buy it now or contact a sales representative.



Our Toad family of products are continually evolving and getting better because we listen to you, our customers.

Do you have questions? Please post questions to the Toad Edge forum on Toad World®.

Better yet, if you want to be part of the evolution and make the product even better, you can simply make that suggestion/enhancement request by using our Toad Edge Idea Pond.


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