When you buy a new product, there’s no better place to start than at the beginning—unless you’re one of those people who doesn’t read the directions. If that’s the case, then we won’t be assembling any Swedish furniture together.

Free_training_Toad_for_Oracle_Fundamentals2Free Toad for Oracle Training: Learn the basics

But if you’ve downloaded Toad® for Oracle (version 12.5 or later) and want the best method for learning the basics, we’ve got free Toad for Oracle training in a great self-paced training course that will introduce the fundamentals and get you up to speed quickly. You don’t need any prior experience with Toad, but you will need a good understanding of Oracle databases.

Composed of 10 lessons, the free training takes between 6 to 8 hours to complete, depending on your speed through the simulations and quizzes. Of course, you don’t have to complete it all in one sitting. 

The simulations provide hands-on interaction with each key feature covered during the course. The narration walks you through the feature, while the simulation shows you exactly how it works in the product. In addition to clearly-marked indicators, the simulation also has a “laser pointer” that shows you where to click to accomplish the task and move on. 


So what’s actually covered in the free Toad for Oracle fundamentals course?

First, we cover everything you need to know to download, install and configure Toad, including how to connect it with your databases. We also make sure you know where to get Help, Release Notes and the product’s Getting Started Guide. 

Then the complimentary lessons cover key aspects of Toad’s features and functionality, including: 

  • Using utilities, such as the Automation Designer and Script Manager
  • Navigating the Oracle database using tools like Schema Browser and Object Compare
  • Creating and altering objects with Query Builder and Scheduling
  • Working with data grids to manipulate and report on data
  • Building better code more efficiently using Code Snippets, Debugger and SQL Recall
  • Building SQL queries with the visual builder and incorporating joins, variables and clauses
  • Generating, exporting and managing data

Each complimentary lesson contains multiple hands-on simulations that walk you through using the feature. At the end of each lesson, there’s a short quiz to test your knowledge. Note that the quizzes are not mandatory and you won’t receive a certificate of completion for this course.

That being said, if you’ve never used Toad before, or even if you want a quick refresher, the no-cost fundamentals course is the best way to get a complete overview before you move on to more challenging topics for DBAs or developers. We’ll cover those courses in upcoming posts.


Get Free Training


Worldwide global support with 95% overall satisfaction

Toad for Oracle has award-winning support available through many channels, and its support portal is available 24/7. Take a look at the Toad for Oracle 13.2 product support portal. There you can access Toad video tutorials, knowledge articles, the Toad World® user forum, latest software releases, technical documentation, notifications and alerts, and even more helpful information.

Excellence in customer support goes beyond just providing technical answers. Our goal is to give you the most positive user experience by providing you with the most robust support portal and knowledge base resources that enable you to resolve issues quickly and independently 24/7.

Quest offers a wide range of global support offerings to accommodate the varying needs of your organization. We provide expert technical assistance worldwide through highly experienced professionals who are product and domain experts and who interact at your skill level. Don’t hesitate to reach out to support via technical and customer service requests or by telephone. As a Quest customer you can also tailor your support and training needs based on how you do business today.

Besides our award-winning self-service support, Quest maintains a robust community, Toad World, where you can access free advice (blogs), free trial downloads and interact with the problem-solving forum community.


Already a loyal fan of Toad for Oracle?

Most developers and DBAs use Toad for Oracle to reduce time and effort to develop and manage Oracle databases.

But did you know that with Toad for Oracle you can automate administration tasks and proactively manage your databases while embracing performance optimization and risk mitigation?

Did you know Toad can now find and control sensitive data across all your Oracle databases?

And, with its newest release, Toad for Oracle 13.2 has new unit testing built on utPLSQL.

What else can Toad do that you didn’t know about? Which edition will benefit you the most?


Is it time to renew your Toad for Oracle license?

If you’re already a Toad for Oracle customer, but haven’t upgraded in awhile, upgrade to the latest version of Toad for Oracle 13.2. You’ll get all the newest benefits, plus the added assurance that you’re not using outdated software, which could make you vulnerable to malicious cyber attacks. Current license holders also gain full access to the entire contents of the Knowledge Base library.

Renew now.

If you’re new to Toad, try Toad free for 30 days. 

Free 30-day Trial

Already in a trial? Talk to sales or buy now online.



Have questions, comments, or an idea for a new feature? Interact with experts on the Toad for Oracle forum on Toad World®.


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