How many times have you created a database object without the option to check if the SQL code satisfied the SQL formatting standards? With ApexSQL Enforce that may never happen again. 

SQL code smells. Improve SQL code smells with best coding practices review and enforcement.

Watch an introduction video of ApexSQL Enforce.


Create, maintain and run a set of best-practice formatting code rules

Every database or database object script, with ApexSQL Enforce, can be checked with 100+ writing rules and it will identify information to change in order to follow the formatting standards. 

Besides editing the default rules, ApexSQL Enforce gives you the possibility to create your own rules, applicable to your environment. 

Additionally, you can use ApexSQL Enforce as a part of continuous integration and be sure that every SQL script in your database is following the formatting standards. 


4 blogs to get you started

Read the following four blogs and you'll learn how to work with rules in the application, how to edit them, create a new ones or to import any additional rule. Besides that, you will also learn how to set a threshold in order to have the true results for the rules you run against your database.

After these articles, you will be able to create rulebase, which will contain only rules that you can use against your database.

ApexSQL Enforce will help you with additional checking of your database object scripts against the code formatting standard. It will shorten your time spent on checking every database object script. 

Learn more about ApexSQL Enforce.