Wouldn’t it be nice if someone would just teach you what you needed to know in 30 minutes so you don’t have to spend more time figuring it out on your own? Think of how much time we could could save by learning how to fly an airplane, or making that perfect martini, or changing our oil if we could just learn it in 30 minutes!

Second in our series: Data Preparation Made Easy webcast series. Toad Data Point 101.

Even though some things do take a lifetime to master, that doesn’t need to be the case with Toad® Data Point. In fact, in just 30 minutes, product manager Julie Hyman can take you from connecting to a data source, to developing a query, to exporting the results into Excel.

101 for Toad Data Point webcast: June 11, 11 a.m. ET

In this webcast on June 11, Julie will also show you how to quickly automate all of the above so it happens unattended, on your schedule. This is a rare opportunity to quickly build proficiency in Toad Data Point.

Once you’ve gotten the hang of Toad Data Point, you’ll be free to focus on that martini or oil change. But please, spend at least an hour learning how to fly an airplane!

Our Data Preparation Made Easy webcast series is designed to help you maximize your investment in Toad Data Point. Tune in on the second Thursday of the month through November for new insights.


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Submit your questions for future webinars this year

Our September, October and November webinars will focus on Toad Data Point Automation, Excel and pivot grids. Do you need answers to questions you have on these topics? Click the link below and submit your questions. 


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Learn how Toad Data Point can help you access and prepare data faster. Seamlessly access more than 50 data sources—both on premises and in the cloud—and switch between these data source with near zero transition times.

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Already in a trial? If Toad Data Point is helping you connect, query and prepare data for faster business insights, buy it now or contact a sales representative.