I’ll be speaking at the annual Hotsos Symposium in Dallas TX February 27th and 28th. To quote their website:

Hotsos is the best conference in the Americas devoted to Oracle system performance. The combination of topic focus, small audience size, and large speaker list make the Hotsos Conference an unsurpassed networking opportunity.

The Hotsos Symposium reaches for a new technical high with presentations focused on techniques, experimental results, and field-tested scripts that attendees can take home and apply to real-world tasks. The speakers routinely offer an excellent balance between database principles and problem-solving techniques. The speakers also show you how to determine the difference between reliable information and bad advice around Oracle performance optimization.

Here are my presentation topics, dates and times:

  • Optimizing Data Warehouse AdHoc Queries against Star Schemas
    • Monday, February 27, 2017
    • 1:00pm to 2:00pm CST
    • Hall B & Virtual Hall B
    • Attendees will learn optimal techniques for designing, monitoring and tuning "Star Schema" Data Warehouses in Oracle11g and 12c. While there are numerous books and papers on Data Warehousing with Oracle, they generally provide a 50,000 foot overview focusing on hardware and software architectures — with some database design. This presentation provides the ground level, detailed recipe for successfully querying tables whose sizes exceed a billion rows. Issues covered will include table and index designs, partitioning options, statistics and histograms, Oracle initialization parameters and star transformation explain plans. Attendees should be DBA's familiar with "Star Schema" database designs and have experience with Oracle 11g, and some exposure to Oracle 12c.
  • Successful Dimensional Modeling of Very Large Data Warehouses
      • Tuesday, February 28, 2017
      • 1:00pm to 2:00pm CST
      • Hall B & Virtual Hall B
      • Attendees will learn successful techniques for dimensional modeling of very large Data Warehouses using traditional Entity Relationship diagramming tools. While there are numerous new modeling conventions and tools, Entity Relationship modeling tools have proven best at real-world database design and implementation. This presentation provides the ground level, detailed recipe for the optimal dimensional modeling techniques of tables whose sizes exceed 500 million rows. Issues covered will include "Star Schemas", fact and dimension tables, plus aggregate table design and population. Attendees should be DBA's or senior developers familiar with Oracle database design and any form of data modeling.

About the Author

Bert Scalzo

Bert Scalzo is a guest-blogger for Quest and a renowned database expert, Oracle® ACE, author, database technology consultant, and formerly a member of Dell Software’s TOAD dev team. With three decades of Oracle® database experience to draw on, Bert’s webcasts garner high attendance and participation rates. His work history includes time at both Oracle Education and Oracle Consulting. Bert holds several Oracle Masters certifications and has an extensive academic background that includes a BS, MS and Ph.D. in computer science, as well as an MBA, and insurance industry designations. Bert is a highly sought-after speaker who has presented at numerous Oracle conferences and user groups, including OOW, ODTUG, IOUG, OAUG, RMOUG and many others. Bert enjoys sharing his vast knowledge on data modeling, database benchmarking, database tuning and optimization, "star schema" data warehouses, Linux® and VMware®. As a prolific writer, Bert has produced educational articles, papers and blogs for such well-respected publications as the Oracle Technology Network (OTN), Oracle Magazine, Oracle Informant, PC Week (eWeek), Dell Power Solutions Magazine, The LINUX Journal, LINUX.com, Oracle FAQ, Ask Toad and Toad World.