An open source DBM tool. Verse 3 in the 12 Days of …

Our gift to you this season is wrapping up our favorite blogs about a product into a collection, with a song to go with each! Each week in December, stay tuned as we add on to the song and post new verses in our version of "The 12 Days of … Projects."  Watch the video below.

Watch the video!

The third verse of, "The 12 Days of Projects" is about Toad Edge.

With each new post, hear one more verse of our version of "The 12 Days of … Projects."  At the end of the month, we'll post the entire song with a summary and links to our favorite posts. Can you guess which Toad product will be next?

Keep reading!  

5 blogs that teach you to effectively work in Toad Edge

Are you using MySQL/MariaDB or PostgreSQL/EDB in your application? Need to quickly learn open source RDBMSs fast? Toad Edge® is the next-gen toolset and offers a set of features for modern database application development, including DevOps, source code management, content assist, automation and more.

The best way to achieve effective database development is to really get to know and understand the tools you use.

Following is a list of blogs that I wanted to call your attention to because they teach you about the most important features of Toad Edge:


7 hacks to use Toad Edge like a boss: Most important features in a nutshell.

Let’s Automate with Toad Edge!: Introduction into automation with Toad Edge command line tool and Jenkins build server.

Using Toad Edge 2.0 with PostgreSQL 10: Toad Edge in action with PostgreSQL.

Using Toad Edge with MySQL on Amazon EKS – 1: Toad Edge in action with MySQL in cloud.

Using Toad Edge with MySQL on Amazon EKS – 2: Toad Edge in action with MySQL in cloud.


I hope these articles help you to learn about useful features and as you learn about more features, your knowledge grows exponentially.


How to get the most out of Toad Edge

Learn how Toad Edge can help you simplify development and management tasks for open source databases. Whether you are currently a Toad Edge customer or just getting started with our free 30-day trial, learn more and access the Toad Edge User Guide.

Already in a trial? If Toad Edge has helped you ramp up on open source RDBMSs fast, buy it now or contact a sales representative.



Our Toad family of products are continually evolving and getting better because we listen to you, our customers.

Do you have questions? Please post questions to the Toad Edge forum on Toad World®.

Better yet, if you want to be part of the evolution and make the product even better, you can simply make that suggestion/enhancement request by using our Toad Edge Idea Pond.


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About the Author

Miroslav Stanik

Software Development Manager and Developer with 14 years of experience in the area of software development.