When it comes to the heavy lifting of database development and database administration, Toad® by Quest® wins hands down.

4 ways Toad for Oracle Base is stronger than Oracle SQL Developer.


“Toad for Oracle Base costs money. SQL Developer is free. I’m going with free.”

We know we’re going to hear that from some people as we sunset Quest® Toad® for Oracle Freeware this year. After all, who doesn’t like free?

But when it comes to the heavy lifting of database development and database administration, there’s not much comparison between the two products. Toad for Oracle Base gives you the muscle to be so much more productive than you can be with a freeware product like SQL Developer.

And now, it’s available by subscription, with a low, low, low introductory rate of $195.

Why should you subscribe?

  • Low introductory price – get your first year for only $195. The promotion runs through December 31, 2020.
  • Lower up-front cost than perpetual licensing
  • Simplified accounting and easy approval from procurement buying 1 seat at a time
  • Auto updates, so you’re always on the latest and greatest version
  • Increased security by maintaining current version
  • First access to upcoming subscription-only features like persistent settings and more
  • Access to world-class support
  • Product education announcements
  • Auto renew for your convenience

This offer is geared with the small business owner and Toad for Oracle Freeware user in mind and is a single-seat license with the introductory price available now to year end. That’s more than a 60% savings off the regular price.


4 ways Toad for Oracle is so much stronger than SQL Developer

It’s been our privilege to build and maintain Toad for Oracle for decades. Many of your suggestions have made the product better and better over the years. Here are four ways we’ve continued improving the Toad for Oracle features that are wanting or missing in free products like SQL Developer:

  • Task automation — The only thing better than making Toad for Oracle perform hard, dull tasks is having it perform them automatically. Use automation to reduce the risk of manual errors in repetitive tasks like schema compare, script execution, administration and reporting. The Toad for Oracle UI includes an automation designer for scripting and scheduling workflow.
  • SQL editor — How do you spend most of your time? Writing PL/SQL, right? We’ve spent years building as much efficiency as possible into the editor. After all, if you’re going to spend so much time writing SQL, you may as well have the tool on your side. While devoted Toad users rave about our Pro and Xpert editions, many of the most enthusiastic reviews are about Toad basics like the SQL editor and the schema browser.
  • Integration with version control and team coding — To make the most of collaboration among developers and administrators, Toad for Oracle controls and monitors the check-out/check-in of the PL/SQL code files in source control. It goes beyond support for the usual suspects like Git, CVS, Perforce and Subversion to include Rational, Mercurial, Serena PVCS, Visual Studio and Team Foundation.
  • Schema compare and table data compare — Display one-to-one comparisons between schemas, databases and table data. In the browser you can select an unlimited number of schema objects for comparison, generating hundreds or thousands of lines of script with a few mouse clicks.

Have a look at the independent side-by-side reviews of Toad for Oracle vs. SQL Developer to see what we mean.

One more thing: How do you feel about vendor lock-in? Oracle sells a database of course, and it happens that one function of SQL Developer is to convert non-Oracle databases to Oracle. Quest, on the other hand, doesn’t have a horse in the database race, so we’re happy with whichever database makes you happy, including Oracle, SQL Server, DB2 and SAP.


Next step

It’s time to upgrade from Toad for Oracle Freeware to Toad for Oracle Basesubscription. It’s the fastest path to build up those database development and database administration muscles.

Better database development and administration than SQL Developer —Toad for Oracle Base

Free may be good, but it’s not necessarily better.

With the sunsetting of Toad for Oracle Freeware, you may think you need to find and break in another freeware database management toolset. But if you already know Toad or Oracle SQL Developer, this is the perfect time to upgrade to Toad for Oracle Base.

Small businesses and Toad for Oracle Freeware users should take advantage of the introductory price of US$195.00 for a one-year, single-seat license to Toad for Oracle Base. The promotion runs through December 31, 2020.

Buy Now


Try Toad free for 30 days, but make sure you take advantage of the intro rate before December 31, 2020. 

Free 30-day Trial.


Related information

Webcast: Five Cool DBA Features in Toad for Oracle Base Edition

Webcast: Top Five Use Cases for Developers for Toad for Oracle Base Edition

Business Wire: Quest Software Announces New Toad for Oracle Subscription Offering

Blog: What happened to Toad® for Oracle Freeware? It’s a matter of focus.

Blog: How Toad® for Oracle Base Edition is better than Toad for Oracle Freeware


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