If you’ve tried using Universal Groups in Active Directory to access your SQL Servers, you may notice that the users who are members of these groups can’t access the SQL Server Instance. The reason for this has more to do with active directory than with SQL Server. 

 Normal groups in Active Directory are cached so authentication requests can return groups that the user is a member of as part of the Windows Token. Universal groups, however, aren’t included in the Windows Token as the Universal groups that the user might be a member of might not be in the same domain that the request is handled by.

The internals of why Universal Groups don’t work requires a decent understanding of the internals of Windows Authentication Tokens and Windows Security. But needless to say, all that you need to know is that Universal Groups don’t work with SQL Server.

Because the Universal Groups aren’t in the authentication token when the SQL Server goes to see if the user has access, the token says that the user doesn’t.  The fix for this is quite easy, use a different Windows Domain Group type than Universal Groups.





About the Author

Denny Cherry

I am a Senior SQL Server DBA at CDW with 10 years of IT experience, mostly as a software developer building web and windows based applications (VB, VB.NET, C#, C++ and a smidge of Java). I have always found database design and set based logic interesting, so 3 years ago I took the plunge and became a DBA, soon after I discovered people would tell anyone who would listen all about the SQL Server internals. I was hooked. I have not looked back since. The things I say represent my opinion and in no way represent the views or opinions of my employer or coworkers.