¡Que éste inicio del nuevo año sea un año lleno de éxitos personales y profesionales para cada uno!

Este año 2017 fue un año en el cual he podido cumplir muchas metas personales y profesionales,  entre ellas, lanzar mi tercer libro sobre Oracle APEX 5.1 en versión Kindle y Paperback.

He creado dos cursos online:

He sido Sponsor y parte del comité organizativo del Oracle Developer Tour 2017

He logrado certificarme como Coach de Vida:


Sigo entrenándome y estudiando Programación Neurolingüística (PNL) meta que pieno cumplir en el año 2018.

Más de 50 articulos de blog escritos!

Muchos logros personales y famiiares logrados, viajes realizados, y mucho más por hacer en el 2018!

Balance del año 2017 muy positivo y con muchas ganas de hacer muchas cosas mas en el 2018!

Quiero agradecer a todos mis seguidores y los que continuamente me estan apoyando a seguir adelante!

Muy Feliz Año Nuevo para todos!!!

Con todo mi cariño, nunca dejes de aprender y creer en tus habiliades para ser feliz!


About the Author

Clarisa Maman Orfali

Clarisa is a System Engineer with more than 24 years of experience as a developer, teacher, and consultant in Information Technology. She was a Founder and CEO between 2013 to 2020 at ClarTech Solutions, Inc., a consulting firm specializing in Oracle APEX and Open Source technologies. Clarisa entered the world of Oracle technologies in 2009. After a few years, she discovered the power of application development with Oracle Application Express (APEX) and specialized in that area. Clarisa is from Argentina, and she is living and working in Irvine, California, in the United States. She's also a Co-Founder of the Argentina Oracle User Group (AROUG). In addition, she had actively participated in large and popular events such as the OTN Tour Argentina and Oracle APEX Tour Latin America after called Oracle Developer Tour. She's also authored the first three Spanish books about Oracle Application Express and recorded and published several Online Video Courses. She has a great passion for Oracle technologies and wants to expand that passion and influence, transferring her knowledge and experience to the entire Latin American and worldwide Oracle communities. You can always contact her through her Twitter account (@Clari707). Clarisa loves spending time with her family by enjoying outdoor activities with her two adored children, Melanie and Nicolas, as well as hanging out with her friends. Also, she loves traveling with her husband Julio worldwide and to takes new challenges at every moment of her life.