We are pleased to announce the release of Toad for DB2 v6.5.

This new version is now available for customers to download at Supportlink and at our Toad DB2 Trial Download Page on quest.com.

Toad for DB2 is a comprehensive solution to improve DBA and development effectiveness and productivity for DB2 LUW as well as DB2 z/OS.  It follows the design of all our Toad-family solutions with features for both the Developer and DBA.  

You can view all the new features and details of this release in the release notes at release notes

Here are some highlights of what is new in v6.5:

  • Object Overview tab
    • There is a new Object overview tab that displays information from several Object Details tabs at once
    • You can customize the Object Overview tab by adding and removing the details you prefer
  • Roles
    • There is a new Grants tab for Roles that displays all Grants for the selected role
  • Compare Object
    • There is a new ‘Format object body before comparing’ option that can be used to format the SQL bodies of source and target objects – before comparing them – to eliminate white-space differences.
    • For DB2 on z/OS there is a new advanced option: Generate Defer for indexes
  • Dashboards
    • The new ‘Live Query’ dashboard widget scrolls and resizes to support SQL that returns many columns and rows
    • Dashboards can be cloned to be easily shared between connections
  • LUW Space management
    • A new ‘Unused Indexes’ report – that identifies indexes that have not been used – is available both in the online ‘Identify Exceptions’ feature as well as in the ‘Batch Analysis’ Automation activity
    • In the ‘Analyze Table Partitions’ feature – you can now choose to use the ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE procedure to re-partition your tables
  • z/OS Partitioned Data Set Support
    • Now within the SQL Editor,  you can read and write SQL from PDS members
  • z/OS Utilities
    • We added support for the MODIFY STATISTICS, MODIFY RECOVERY and REPORT utilities

Thanks to all the beta testers for driving this new release and providing us feedback during our beta cycle.

Again please review the release notes at release notes for the complete list of new features and enhancements.

Also, please post any feedback or questions in the forum. 

We hope you enjoy the new features and enhancements in this 6.5 release!


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Learn more

Learn more about Toad for IBM DB2 so you can spend less time managingDB2 and more time innovating.  

Data sheet: Toad for IBM DB2

ebook: Toad for IBM DB2 Tips and Tricks



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About the Author

Jeff Podlasek

Jeff Podlasek is currently a Senior Software Development Manager for the Toad for DB2 products at Quest. Jeff has more than 20 years of software development experience. He has developed products and managed development teams working on DB2 tools since the 1980s. Jeff is a regular contributor in the Toad for IBM DB2 forums.