We are happy to announce that Toad Intelligence Central 4.3 is now available!  

 One of the most noticeable changes to this release is the release number – we have decided to align the Toad Intelligence Central release numbering to the Toad Data Point release numbering – which means that Toad Intelligence Central jumped from version 3.2 right to version 4.3.   But in addition to the numbering changes we have come great new features in this release.  The most predominate is adding the ability to edit the attributes of published artifacts  –  like name, description, sharing/visibility, scheduling, etc. – directly from the Toad Intelligence Central Web Console.  This makes the Toad Intelligence Central web interface a very useful way to manage and organize your Toad Intelligence Central environment.  

To read more about this and other features – check out our 'What's New Document' – (Please visit the site to view this file)

If you already have Toad Intelligence Central you can get an upgrade to the latest version here.  Or you can get a free 30-day trial of Toad Intelligence Central.


About the Author

Julie Hyman

Julie Hyman is a Sr. Product Manager for Quest Software. Julie has 20+ years of experience in Development, Project Management and Product Management.