Hi everybody,
Yesterday I received the following email from the Oracle ACE Program:
"I am pleased to inform you that you have been accepted to receive the Oracle ACE award. You have been chosen based on your significant contribution and activity in the Oracle technical community. Like your fellow Oracle ACEs, you have demonstrated a proficiency in Oracle technology as well as a willingness to share your knowledge and experiences with the community."
I received this recognition from Oracle and I'm proud the be part of the awesome Oracle ACE family – thank you Oracle ACE Program!
Thank you IOUG (Independent Oracle User Group) for choosing me to present sessions at IOUG Collaborate 16 & 17 and also for inviting me to present on behalf of the IOUG at Oracle OpenWorld 2016 & 2017. I would also like to thank additional local user groups: DOAG, AOUG, OUNG for choosing me to speak at their annual user group conferences.
Here is a link to my Oracle ACE page: https://apex.oracle.com/pls/apex/f?p=19297:4:::NO:4:P4_ID:16480
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