We are very excited to announce the release of Benchmark Factory 8.0!!  In this major release are several enhancements, including the much anticipated update to the BMF REST API so that database performance testing can be automated and easily included into your CI/CD pipeline. 


Enhanced REST API

With the last release the BMF REST API allowed users to create and run BMF jobs, but it was limited.  With this release, The BMF REST API now has access all properties of jobs/tests/transactions, but also to the default settings as well as all test results.  This allows users to;

  • Get the test results in order to validate SLAs or other minimum performance criteria
  • Set global defaults
  • Access all properties of all BMF resources.  The community wiki has the entire resource model for your reference to see all the BMF resources and their properties.

Stayed tuned to the community for upcoming blogs and videos demonstrating how to use this enhanced BMF REST API to automate your performance testing, in particular in your CI/CD process using such tools like Jenkins, Bamboo, etc.


New Lite-Weight Console and Agent

Benchmark Factory now a lite-weight console application and Agent, BMFServer.exe and BMFAgent.exe respectively.  These are non-UI counterparts which can be used in CI/CD process as lite-weight alternatives to the standard UI version.


Support for SQL Server 2017

This release of Benchmark Factory officially supports Microsoft SQL Server 2017, both on Windows and Linux platforms.

Please reference the release notes or the help file for a list of all the enhancements and bug fixes included in this release.  Let us know your thoughts on the new features and fixes in this version of Benchmark Factory and feel free to contact me by posting here on the BMF community.

About the Author

Kevin Dalton

Kevin Dalton is a Senior Software Development Engineer at Quest Software, where, for 20+ years, he has been the Benchmark Factory for Database Development Manager. Now working as a product architect for a variety of products, he has experience with several database technologies including Oracle, SQL Server, MySQL, SAP, IBM UDB, and others. Kevin also has experience in Database DevOps and the implementation of Continuous processes to database development.