“We’re transitioning to an open source database platform, and we’d really like to be able to develop and run our databases using our Toad software.”


Toad Edge Lets You Get the Full Value from MySQL

The quote above represents just one example of the many requests (and pleas for help) that our Toad Product Team has received from users like you for a commercial commitment to the MySQL platform.

Yes, we’ve had Toad for MySQL freeware available for years. But what many of our users have been asking for is a more robust, commercial-grade MySQL toolset — something that would deliver the same high levels of functionality, support and attention as our Toad Oracle suite.

Several of our users have even asked if they could buy a version of our MySQL freeware. And although my team is not generally opposed to collecting money, we couldn’t in good conscience do this.


So, why such a strong demand for a commercial MySQL toolset in the first place?

What we’ve been hearing repeatedly from DBAs and developers is that their companies are seeing enormous benefits from shifting to MySQL. The platform itself is stable and robust. And because it’s open source, obviously it’s a much more affordable way to run their databases than the solution they were operating from you-know-who.

There’s just one problem: These developers and DBAs haven’t been able to find a toolset that lets them realize the full benefit of their MySQL database environment. The free tools they’re using are acceptable but underwhelming.

The point is that we’ve heard you. And we’ve delivered.

If you’re having difficulty finding the right toolset for your open source database environment, try our new Toad Edge™ for MySQL — a lightweight, flexible commercial toolset for developing and managing your open-source databases.

Deploying Toad Edge will help your team take full advantage of your MySQL environment —applying the rich database management functionality you expect from a Toad application, while reducing the learning curve for your developers and DBAs working in your new database environment.

View video tutorials on Toad Edge.

Then try the full-featured toolset for free.

If you have questions, or would like to discuss how Toad Edge can help with your company’s specific MySQL database needs, contact me anytime.

Julie Hyman

Senior Product Manager


About the Author

Julie Hyman

Julie Hyman is a Sr. Product Manager for Quest Software. Julie has 20+ years of experience in Development, Project Management and Product Management.