We are pleased to announce the release of Toad for DB2 v6.3. This new version is now available for customers to download here.

Toad for DB2 is a comprehensive solution to improve DBA and development effectiveness and productivity for DB2 LUW as well as DB2 z/OS.  It follows the design of all our Toad-family solutions with features for both the Developer and DBA.  

You can view all the new features and details of this release in the release notes at release notes

Here are some highlights of what is new in v6.3:

Toad is now 64-bit!

  • Toad™ for IBM® DB2® is now available in both 32 and 64 bit versions
  • 64-bit version allows you to perform your DB activities more quickly and seamlessly
  • However a 64-bit version of Toad requires 64-bit IBM DB2 drivers
  • Microsoft Windows 10 is now fully tested and supported
  • See System Requirements for more information on supported OSs
  • You can now compare live object data with data in CSV and excel files

Support for Microsoft® Windows® 10

Data Compare Enhancements

Support for IBM Data Server Driver

  • Toad™ for IBM® DB2® now supports IBM Data Server Driver
  • Now you do not need a default IBM DB2 client and can make use of DSD Package instead
  • If using an IBM Data Server Driver, please ensure your Administrator account installed the IBM Data Server Driver so Toad can correctly identify and use that


LUW Specific Features

LUW Dashboard

The following new snippets were implemented for Toad:

  • Lock Waits – Displays Lock Waits from the active connection
  • Tablespace Max. Size – Shows percentage of maximum tablespace size for a given connection
  • System General – Displays detailed DB2 system information


Support for IBM DB2 LUW 11

  • Toad now supports connection to and various features of the latest IBM DB2 11
  • Toad now includes automatic configuration parameters during compare of DB and DBM parameters
  • Toad offers new Aggregate and Datetime Scalar Functions in Code Snippets
  • New options Report and Terminate are now supported
  • Table Object Editors now support Character Length 255
  • REORG, RUNSTATS syntax changes
  • Support for STOSPACE Utility
  • Backup Database now supports No Tablespace option
  • User Defined Aggregate Functions are now supported by Toad™ for IBM® DB2®
  • New Built-in Aggregate & Scalar Functions in Snippets
  • Support for New options for ADMIN_MOVE_TABLE
  • Support for CHAR(255) Columns
  • Support for the Latest DB2 Utilities Changes
  • New Options for Backup Database
  • New CREATE FUNCTION Statement for User-Defined Aggregate Functions
  • Support for New DBM and DB Configuration Parameters


Batch Analysis

  • A new Batch Analysis activity can now be easily launched as a part of Toad Automation


Audit Policy Support

  • We have enhanced the support of Audit policies to include showing dependents and displaying those in the Database Map feature
  • You now can easily convert a row organized table to a column organized table

Easy conversion to Column Organized Tables

  • Right-click on a table and select Convert Table to Column Organized


z/OS Specific Features

Support for IBM DB2 z/OS 12

Toad for IBM DB2 now supports connection to and various features of the latest IBM DB2 11:

  • Utility execution via new DSNTUILV procedure
  • New syntax for CREATEALTER TABLE
  • Support the ability to define a global variable based on array type
  • Support for new definitions of explain and dynamic statement cache tables
  • Bind package Editor now supports Application compatibility (APPLCOMPAT)
  • If you have a Toad DB2 DBA license, the Toad Dashboard feature is now available for IBM DB2 z./OS connections (It was only available for DB2 LUW connections in prior releases)


New Dashboard for IBM DB2 z/OS

Other Enhancements

  • All property grids can now be sorted
  • You can now turn off popup information for objects in SQL Editor
  • There is a new Advanced option in Compare Object allows you to ignore String Units
    • Right-click any grid in the Object Viewers (tabs on the right-hand-side of the Database Browser) and Select Sort Alphabetically
    • Uncheck Show information pop-ups for Objects in Options | Editor | Tools


Again please review the release notes at release notes for the complete list of new features and enhancements.

Also, please post any feedback or questions in the forum.

Try Toad for IBM DB2 for free

Are you in a trial now or just learning about Toad for IBM DB2? Find out which edition is right for you with our Toad for IBM DB2 functional matrix.

Like what you’ve learned so far about Toad for IBM DB2, why nottry it for free for 30 days?

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Learn more

Learn more about Toad for IBM DB2 so you can spend less time managingDB2 and more time innovating.  

Data sheet: Toad for IBM DB2

ebook: Toad for IBM DB2 Tips and Tricks



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About the Author

Jeff Podlasek

Jeff Podlasek is currently a Senior Software Development Manager for the Toad for DB2 products at Quest. Jeff has more than 20 years of software development experience. He has developed products and managed development teams working on DB2 tools since the 1980s. Jeff is a regular contributor in the Toad for IBM DB2 forums.