We performed an EBS R12.2 RAC to RAC clone and after successful completion of cloning we were not able to connect database using sqlplus command and it was giving the below error:

[oracle@racnode1 12.1.0]$ sqlplus apps@EBSRAC1
SQL*Plus: Release Production on Tue Feb 14 08:25:38 2017
Copyright (c) 1982, 2014, Oracle. All rights reserved.
Enter password:
ORA-12537: TNS:connection closed



There is an issue with the permission on oracle binary and its not allowing the connections.

[oracle@racnode1 12.1.0]$ ls -lrt bin/oracle
-rwxr-x--x. 1 oracle oinstall 324002305 Dec 19 13:34 bin/oracle

Change the permissions as mentioned below and it will work:

[oracle@racnode1 12.1.0]$ chmod 6751 bin/oracle
[oracle@racnode1 12.1.0]$ ls -lrt bin/oracle
-rwsr-s--x. 1 oracle oinstall 324002305 Dec 19 13:34 bin/oracle
[oracle@racnode1 12.1.0]$

Thanks for reading.



About the Author

zaheer appsdba

Syed Zaheer is a computer science engineering graduate and enthusiastic database professional with over a decade of experience in implementation and management of complex environments. He has extensive experience in managing multi-vendor UNIX operating systems, storage, databases, and applications. He is regular contributor to OTN forums (http://community.oracle.com) honored with the status of “Guru” by the Oracle Community. He is a technical writer for Oracle Technology Network and has authored a book on Oracle E-Business suite R12.2 with Apress: Practical Oracle E-Business Suite: An Implementation and Management Guide. Syed is also a B. Tech Engineering graduate in CSIT with more than 8+ Years of IT experience in Administering Multi-vendor UNIX Servers, Oracle Applications, and databases.