Few days back I wrote blog to help my blog reader and this is follow up on the same post How to Add Date to Database Backup Filename? – Interview Question of the Week #109. In this blog post we will see a powershell script for Removing Old SQL Database Backup Files from Azure Storage.
So, I added SQL Agent job in my SQL Server and forgot it. Later I realized that I am consuming space on my Azure storage and I need to clean up my old backups. If they were on disk, I would have created maintenance plan to clean them up, but since they are in Azure storage now, I need to write a PowerShell script to clean them up.
Here is what I came up with.
$HowOldFile = [DateTime]::UtcNow.AddHours(-72)
$StorageAccountName = "<StorageAccountName>"
$StorageAccountKey = "StorageAccountKey>"
$Containername = "<ContainerName>"
$extension = "*.bak"
$Storagecontext = New-AzureStorageContext -StorageAccountName $StorageAccountName -StorageAccountKey $StorageAccountKey
Get-AzureStorageBlob -Container $Containername -Context $context |
Where-Object { $_.LastModified.UtcDateTime -lt $HowOldFile -and $_.BlobType -eq "PageBlob" -and $_.Name -like $extension} |
You need to fill the parameters based on your configuration.
- To run above, you need to have Azure PowerShell cmdlets installed.
- It can be run from anywhere, not necessarily SQL Server machine because it has nothing to do with SQL Server.
- In the above script, I am checking the LastModified date for each blob with extension with *. back and deleting those which are 72 hours older. You need to change the extension and time.
- When you copy paste from a blog, it might not parse correctly, so take extra care for special characters.
Do you have any better script which can do the same? Please share via comments to help others.
Reference: Pinal Dave (https://blog.sqlauthority.com)
First appeared on SQL SERVER – Powershell Script – Remove Old SQL Database Backup Files from Azure Storage
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