I was talking to a customer this week about the process of generating a Change Script when they are ready to deploy their changes and they were concerned about the fact that the script generation always wants to drop and rebuild the object.  They did not want to have to backup the data in the table and then restore it just to make a change to a table.

The way to do this is listed below:

"Sometimes it is necessary to drop an object (because of other dependencies), but in many cases Alter script can be generated instead of Drop and Create.

Check the Use Temporary Tables to Preserve Data option in the wizard:"


By using this option the table(s) will not be dropped and the data will be preserved.

I hope this helps someone else in the future.


About the Author

Mark Kurtz

Mark Kurtz has been with Quest Software since April 2000 and has held the position of Software Sales Engineer in the PreSales Organization since then. Mark started his career as a programmer/analyst for NASA supporting the Space Shuttle program. He became a DBA after moving into the health care industry and has managed several teams of DBA's in his career. Outside of work, Mark enjoys spending time with his family, playing poker, and working on old cars and woodworking.